11. Two sides to a story

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"Y/N!" Minho screams. He watches as you go limp on the Maze floor and he sprints forward, only to be stopped by a screeching Griever.

"Thomas!" Minho yells and takes out a blade he had in his pack. The Griever is surprised by the new arrivals but quickly begins to fight them too. Thomas grips a spear he brought tightly. Minho and Thomas were both expecting to run into a couple Grievers today. They usually did after a banishing.

Thomas steps in front of Minho who was trying to wake you up. Minho splashes some cold water on your face from his bottle, but you don't budge. Thomas yells at the Griever to distract it from you both.

Thomas and Minho knew exactly what routes to take to lose a Griever. They'd done it a few times, and it had worked every time. Thomas begins running away, the Griever hot on his trail while Minho stays with you.

While Thomas is running, Minho tries talking to you, shaking you. Nothing wakes you and he gets frustrated. He sits back with his shoulders to the wall and pushes a hand through his hair.

It isn't long before Thomas is seen running back to where you lay and Minho sat. Once he reaches you two, Griever free, he puts his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Any luck?" He asks. Minho shakes his head. Thomas stares at your still figure and bites his lip.

"Is she alive?" His voice cracks as he says it. He fears the worst; you were his best friend besides Minho after all. And everyone needed a break from Minhos sass eventually.

Minho nods and looks down to you. "Let's get her back to the Glade before the Grievers decide to have a tea party over here."

Thomas agrees and breathes out deeply. Minho lifts you and carries you with your limp body draped over his arms. You were all quite a ways from the Glade, so the boys alternated carrying you. By the time you reached the Glade, Thomas was the one holding your unconscious being.

"Take her to the med-jaks immediately," Minho orders and Thomas nods firmly. He takes you to a panicking Jeff and Clint.

Minho heads over to Gally. He steps in front of the boy silently. When Gally looks up to him, Minho clenches his fist and swings it. His fist connects with Gallys jaw and the boy stumbles down, falling to his knee.

"What was that for??" Gally shouts as he wipes away blood from his mouth.

Gladers have now crowded around Gally and Minho to make sure there was no more further fighting. Winston puts a hand on Minhos chest who was trying to advance towards Gally again.

"Woah woah Minho, calm down," Winston says. "What's going on?"

Minho ignores Winston and glares at Gally.

"If she dies, that's on you," Minho spits through his teeth.

With that, Minho walks away towards the med-jaks, leaving a stunned Gally behind him.

Laying on a cot in the med-jaks room was Alby. He was laying in intense pain. He'd caught some sickness that sometimes passed its way through the Gladers, but since no one could remember anything they didn't know what to call it.

Thomas had laid you on a bed for the med-jaks to try to help you. Clint and Jeff both agreed that you had passed out from exhaustion and possibly had a concussion. They said you should be fine for as far as they could tell and that you should wake up within a day. Maybe longer, depending on how exhausted you'd been.

Thomas sat next to his friend, waiting for Minho to come in. Instead though, Chuck made his way next to Thomas.

"Is she gonna be okay?" He asked innocently. Thomas nods at him and scratches at the back of his neck. It's quiet before Chuck speaks up again. "Do you like her?"

Thomas is taken aback from the question but then begins to chuckle quietly. He puts a hand on Chucks shoulder with a big smile.

"No, she's just my best friend. I worry about her though." Thomas's smile fades as he looks down at your still form. You were breathing evenly; a good sign.

Minho strides in and puts his hands on his hips. "Look I know she's pretty but staring is rude."

Thomas and Chuck flip around to see Minho and they both greet him. Minho looks conflicted for a second before asking Thomas a question.

"When should we tell Newt?"

Thomas blows out a big breath and purses his lips. He opens his mouth to speak but stops himself and closes it.

Chuck speaks up. "I don't think we should yet. Wouldn't that just make him worry more?"

"Well there's that," Thomas states. "But right now he thinks she's dead. I swear he hasn't stopped crying since Gally banished her."

"Oh I know. I didn't sleep last night because of his crying. Poor shank." Minho looks to his feet and ponders what he should do.

"Well Clint said that she'd probably wake up tomorrow morning, right? Why don't we just tell him then?" Chuck suggests.

Thomas looks to the Keeper and he nods. "Good that."

The three boys hear groaning from the other cot and look to see Alby coming to. The sickness usually only lasted a day or two, so he should be feeling better soon.

"He's waking up," Thomas says. "I'll talk to him and tell him what's been going on."

With that Minho leaves but Chuck stays by your bed, talking to you about silly things. Like how he had found a frog earlier and kept it to show you when you came back but it'd escaped. Also how Frypans dinner last night tasted like klunk and you hadn't missed out on it.

You couldn't hear any of this in your unconscious state though, and Chuck knew it. But he stayed there so you wouldn't be alone.

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