15. Another Night

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"Another? I thought we were done with girls after this one showed up. Wasn't she already bad enough?" Minho stares at the box with an open mouth and you punch his arm.

"Slim it, shank," you mutter with a smile.

The girl takes Albys hand and is helped out of the Box. Once she's out, she looks around suspiciously.

Suddenly she bolts forward, people scraping her arm as they try to catch her. She rips out of their reach and pushes through, until her body slams into yours.

You both fall to the ground and she looks you in the eye, now laying on top of you. Once she realizes you're a girl too her frantic expression relaxes. You both stand up and some people try to calm her down.

"What is this place?" she hisses. Her wild eyes search yours in need of an answer. She glares at all the boys, not trusting anyone and steps behind you.

You were about to answer when Alby stops you and Minho steps forward.

"I'll take this one," he mutters. You nod and step out from in front of the girl, leaving her scared and defenseless. Against Minho. You almost started laughing audibly but kept it behind a smile.

Minho puts a hand on her shoulder and leads her away from the group, explaining everything to her and trying to calm her down. You sigh and turn to Newt.

He runs his hand through his hair and gives a tired smile. Before he can say anything Alby calls him over.

You talk with Thomas for a minute before Newts at your side again. You and Thomas listen while he explains what Alby had said.

"Alby wants us separated until we have a Gathering and decide what to do. Stupid bloody rule, I know."

You nod and stare at the ground with furrowed eyebrows. "Alright," you sigh and hug him. "I'll see you tomorrow then, at the Gathering?"

He agrees and heads off to his hammock. You hoped that the Gathering would go well and this whole stupid situation would end.

Thomas tells you goodnight and goes to bed too, following close behind Newt. You sigh. Not wanting to go to bed yet, the tower seemed like an appealing option.

Once you've made your way up there, you sit with your legs dangling off the edge and your arms being supported by the frame. You listened to the disturbing sounds of the Grievers screeching and changing Maze walls. The sounds remind you of a couple nights ago when you were trapped in there. Horrible memories flood your mind and the fear from that night encases it.

Your mind, now wandering and free, imagines what it would've been like, had the situation been backwards. What if Newt had been in there? Would he have survived with his limp? Would he have been as terrified as you? What if he-

Someone sits down next to you, disrupting your thoughts.

"Can't sleep?" they ask gently. You look up to their kind face and shake your head. It was then that you realized your face was wet. We're you crying? Shuck it, you thought. You quickly wipe the tears off and ask him the same question.

"Well I was done calming the new Greenie down and saw your hairy legs dangling. Thought it might have been Thomas at first," he answers with a grin.

"Ha ha," you reply sarcastically.

You sit in silence for a moment before he stands and offers you a hand. "Come on, let's get to sleep. I know the Maze is just upsetting you."

Sighing, you take his hand. There was no use in fighting back and you were already tired as it was.

Once you both reach the Homestead and you begin to go to your room, Minho says one more thing before he lays in his hammock.

"Don't worry about the Gathering tomorrow. Alby is on your side anyways."

Then it was silent and you feel hope swell in your heart as you shut the door behind you. You slide yourself into the bed sheets and frown. They were too empty without Newt. Would anything be the same without that shank? You sigh and knew the answer. No, it wouldn't.

Eventually, sometime hours later, you drift off to a nightmare filled sleep, waking up every half hour. You groan as you see the sky lightening. Couldn't you just try to sleep a little more?

Your answer was given to you a little later when Chuck knocks on your door to wake you. It was already a while after you were supposed to be up. You groan again, letting Chuck know he could come in.

"Woah..." he breathes. You narrows your eyes at him. "You look tired."

You don't reply but instead pull the blanket over your head, blocking everything out. Chuck sighs and walks over to you, pulling the blanket away like he'd done the mornings when you first arrived.

"You need to get up, Y/N. They're having that Gathering soon and they need you there to start." Chuck puts his hands on his hips and stares down at you, waiting.

"Fine, Mom," you grumble and sit up. He gives a toothy grin and walks out the door, informing you that you had 10 minutes.

It wasn't that you didn't want to go to the Gathering, you were just exhausted. You sigh and slip on new clothes, realizing that you needed a shower but didn't have time for one. You made a mental note to take one later before running to the Gathering.

When you enter, all eyes were on you. You blush in embarrassment and Alby nods to everyone, signaling that they could start.

You take a seat next to Frypan, and Alby begins the Gathering.

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