8. Punishment

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Hands grip you firmly and suddenly you're being lifted. You jump awake and panic, shouting at whoever it was to let you down. They do, dropping you on the floor next to your bed. The wind is knocked out of your lungs and you roll around on the ground gasping to get it back. You look up to the person standing above you, their hands on their hips.

What a surprise. It was Gally.

"What do you want, slinthead?" You ask and try to prop yourself up on your elbow, still breathing irregularly and now completely furious.

He doesn't say anything but grabs you by both arms and drags you to your feet. You start shouting things at him to get him to let go of you, but to no avail. He turns you to the bedroom door and you're shocked to silence. The Gladers are standing outside of the doorframe, watching. What was this?

"Gally, come on. You don't know that she broke the rules..." Thomas says and puts a hand on Gallys chest to stop him from walking.

"Yeah,"Minho chimes in. "Where's your proof? Shouldn't we have a gathering?"

Gally shoves Thomas's hand away and looks to your two friends.

"I've seen enough proof. She broke the rules and has to be punished." With this, Gally continues walking and pushes you along with him.

He had twisted both of your arms behind you and was steering you with them, causing pain to shoot up them and down your sides. You cry out for him to stop or loosen his grip but he doesn't listen to you. Instead he continues to push you out of the homestead, across the Glade, and to the Slammer.

He rips open the door and shoves you inside. You fall into the pit and once again your lungs scream for air.

Without another word, Gally leaves after locking the Slammer door. You hear shuffling next to you and you hurriedly back away so your back is to the wall.

"Hey, hey shh," a familiar voice says. "It's just me. Just Newt."

You relax and he wraps his arms around you.

"Why are you in here? Why am I in here? What did we do, Newt?"

"Well," he sighs. He rests himself next to you and takes your hands in his. "One of the rules was that no Glader was to have relations with you, beside friendship. Alby enforced that greatly. Looks like Gally was spying on us."

You push your head through your hands. "What's going to happen to us Newt?"

He doesn't speak for a moment, consumed in his thoughts. "I don't know, but remember one thing. Whatever does happen, I'm not going anywhere, alright?"

You nod and he moves closer to you. He holds you and you're grateful for it. Both of you were terrified.

The entire day, you were locked in the Slammer. No one was allowed to talk to either of you, and no food was brought to you. Newt had moved you to his lap and his arms never left your sides. Dirt and sweat covered your faces.

So you waited, and waited, and waited. The day passed slower than ever, and soon your stomach told you it was lunch time. You tried suppressing the hunger but somehow the gnawing found a way to torment you every time. Two faces appeared at the door of the Slammer, out of breath.

Chuck and Minho.

Newt stands up quickly and rushes to the Slammer door. They speak in hushed tones but you can still make out their words.

"What's going on?" Newt questions and tightens his grip he had on the door bars. "Where's Alby?"

Minho looks around for Gally; then speaks hurriedly. "Albys really sick. Doesn't know anything about this. I've tried talking to him but Gally won't let anyone see him either. That shuck face."

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