5. Builders

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You spend the next week at the other jobs, trying them all out except for the Runners. Newt had said you needed to be chosen for that one.

As you woke up that morning, dread hit you like a cement wall. Today you had to work with the builders. You sit on the edge of your bed and hold your head in your hands. You'd have to deal with Gally all day.

A light knock shook the wooden door and you tell them to come in. It was Newt unsurprisingly.

He sits next to you on the bed and puts his hand on your back. You two had become best friends in the last week and a half. Without Newt you'd be almost completely alone. You were grateful for his friendship more than anything.

"You doing alright, love?" He asks and leans down to see your face. You give him a look he knows all too well.

"Ah, the builders. Well, if they give you any trouble, or if that slinthead Gally tries anything, you come to me alright?" Newt waits for you to agree and you eventually do.

"Good," Newt comments and stands, stepping in front of you. He holds out his hands and you sit up to see him. He looks down with and apologetic look and you give him a pained one back. You take his outstretched hands and he helps you up.

You trail behind Newt as he walks out of the homestead. You would delay going to work with the builders for as long as possible. Newt goes to his job with the Track-Hoes and follow, wishing you could be with them instead. Turning to glance back at the builders, you let out a groan.

"Sorry, love. But eat with me at lunch yeah?" He asks and hugs you tightly.

You hug him back and embrace his warmth. You loved his hugs and he always smelled good somehow, despite the sweat and dirt that covered him.

"As always," you reply and step back from the hug. You were sad to leave him but if you waited any longer Gally wouldn't let you hear the end of it. You waved goodbye and trudged to the other side of the Glade.

When you reached the builders, Gally stands up from what he was doing to stare at you.

"Look what we have here boys! The Greenie has come to play."

You roll your eyes and say, "My name is Y/N."

"Yeah, I still don't care." Gally steps back and goes back to work, cutting wood and forming it into a sort of plank. The other builders snicker.

Your cheek was still tender and it seemed that whenever you looked at Gally it hurt even more. You shake your head and pull your H/L, H/C hair into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way.

Gally makes you do the most laborious tasks. You cut down trees by yourself and drag them across the Glade. Newt watched you every time you went back to cut down another tree. You tripped on several occasions, earning you laughs and name-calling.

After the third tree, you told Gally you knew they had more than enough wood. He simply replied with a, "It'll come in handy in a couple months."

You dragged in the fourth tree and Gally finally told you to stop. You looked down to your arms which were now covered in scratches which stung like crazy.

You sigh and try to sit down for a minute to catch your breath but Gally won't allow that. He makes you then begin to cut the trees into smaller logs. You clench your teeth but don't complain. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of your exhaustion.

You got through two thin trees when the other Gladers left for lunch. You put down the axe to go eat also, but Gally stops you.

"What do you think you're doing, Greenie?"

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