31. Waiting

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The Gladers were quiet. Quieter than they'd ever been. Everyone was mourning someone they'd lost. Three people had died now, Maya, Tyler, and Fred.

This was the third day without food and people didn't move much, didn't talk much. What was there to say? So everyone sat around, waiting. Waiting for whatever Chancellor Paige had told you to wait for.

You sat next to Thomas, who stared ahead with a blank expression. It almost seemed like you'd all become zombies; restless, hungry, and tired.

Hours passed with nothingness. Then, when some Gladers started to shuffle off to their beds, a familiar clicking sound echoed through the big room. The doors were opening.

Everyone jumped to attention, ready to fight their way out with whatever strength they had left. You stood next to Thomas, fists clenched.

Instead, the door swung open and two men dressed in green uniforms stood behind a boy with messy blond hair. His head was bowed, hiding his face. They shoved him roughly into the room and closed the door, making the lock click again.

No one moved.

The boy who was obviously weak and tired, stayed laying on his side, unmoving. His face was away from you and the others, only showing his dirty clothes and mop of hair. Your heart leaps to your throat as you find yourself moving toward him.

"Y/N..."Thomas warns but you ignore him. This boy wasn't going to hurt you, he couldn't even move.

You get close enough that you can see his chest rise slowly, almost as if it pained him to do so. At least he's alive, you think.

You kneel in front of his smudged face and smooth the hair away from his forehead. Tears well up in your eyes as your hand rests on his cheek.

It was Newt.

"Who is it? Are they alive?" Someone calls.

"Why is she crying?" Someone else asks.

"Y/N," a voice says. You recognize it as Frypans. You look up to the curious Gladers and then back to Newt.

You nod, taking a deep breath. "Um, uh, Minho? Thomas? C-can you help me with him?"

They move forward and you take Newts upper half into your arms to help transfer him into Minhos arms.

Once Minho sees his face, he mutters to himself. "The shuckin' slintheads alive..."

Thomas takes a step back, speechless. You clear your throat and they snap back into action. Minho grabs Newts torso and Thomas carries his legs. You walk behind them, smoothing the hair out of Newts eyes. You didn't think you'd ever get to see him again...especially like this.

As you walk past the Gladers and towards the rooms, people begin murmuring. You hear Newts name a thousand times before you make it to a spare bed to lay him down.

Everyone crowds into the room to examine Newt. Someone lifts the hem of his shirt to see the Griever wound and everyone gasps when all that's left is a dark scar.

"Now how'd they do that?" Clint rubs his forehead in frustration. The Gladers question one another, staring at an unconscious Newt.

"Guys!" Chuck yells. Everyone turns around, exiting the room. There's a small pause before everyone starts running at Chuck.

No, not at Chuck, you realize. At a table in the middle of the room. Food piled up to your waist was sitting on the table, now being devoured by starving teenagers.

No one knew how the food got there, but frankly they didn't care. It was food.

Chuck beats his way out of the stampede and hands you an apple.

"This is so much better than anything Fry's ever cooked!" Chuck laughs.

Frypan walks up next to Chuck. "Agreed," he says through a mouth full of food.

You take a bite out of the apple and cherish the sweet taste. You swallow and are delighted at the feeling of food in your stomach again. This is what you were waiting for.

You walk back into the room with Newt. Clint was next to him, eating a banana.

"I can watch him," you tell Clint. He looks up to you and nods after a second. You take another bite of your apple as he leaves.

Now you had to wait again, but this time for Newt to wake up. Waiting for this might even be more agonizing than your hunger.

You grab his hand with your free one and play with his fingers. If being here had taught you anything, it was how to be patient.

A/N: So this was sort of a filler chapter, I guess. If I'm being honest I have no idea where I'm going with this book so I guess we'll both be surprised what happens next chapter! I'll update when I have time.

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