17. Attack

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"Maya," she says and looks at you for some kind of approval.

You grin at her. "Nice to meet you, Maya."

"Just in time for the celebration too," Newt comments.



That night the bonfire was lit and Gladers roamed around with beaming faces. Gally had been put in the Slammer so you felt lucky that there would be no repeat of the month you'd came.

Newt is talking with Chuck and Winston, so you decide to find Maya and make sure she wasn't left out. You search around for her and finally find her by the fire, sitting close to a tired Minho.

She smiles shyly at you and turns back to Minho. You breathe out and sit down on the ground with your back to a tree to enjoy the warmth of the glowing flames. You pull your knees to your chest and watch as Tyler and Thomas wrestle in the circle that was made in every celebration.

Soon your eyelids become heavy and they droop shut with the tiredness from the long day. You fight to keep them open but to no avail. You fall asleep against the tree trunk.

You know you haven't been asleep long when a hand curls around your mouth and wakes you up. The hand was from behind you and it was pressing against your mouth so hard you felt like your teeth would leave indents. You try to say something but it's muffled.

You're dragged up to your feet forcefully and they pull you back a couple feet, into the trees of the Deadheads. You think there's two people, but you're not quite sure. The boys hands are rough as they grip your arm and you know this wasn't some prank Minho or Thomas would pull.

You try yanking you arm away and screaming...try to break their grip on you and get out of the forest but they held too tightly.

Once you're far enough in the Deadheads that no one can see because of the dark sky, you're slammed against a tree. Your head hits the back of it and throbs heavily, making you go limp.

Someone's mouth pushes against yours and you squirm, trying to turn away. With no success, you stop moving and bite your attackers lip. Hard. They cry out and you taste blood on your teeth.

You take the momentary distraction to try to escape, attempting to call out but your voice was too hoarse from recent sleep. Something hard slams into you in the dark and you realize it was someone's fist. It connects with your stomach and makes you want to empty it of its contents.

Someone grabs you and you're thrown onto the ground, chuckles rising from above you. There were at least two, you knew now.

"Who in the shuck are-" You're quickly cut off by a stabbing pain in your ribs. One of the boys had kicked you. Someone nears you as you roll to your side gasping for air.

"You think you can enter our Glade and then put Gally in the Slammer?" they spit. You listen closely to try and identify the voice but you'd never heard it before. "You think that you're normal like the rest of us? Huh?"

It almost seems like they're waiting for an answer from you when you get another blow to the ribs. You groan and suck in a sharp breath.

"You don't belong here," they sneer.

You can tell they're about to deliver another blow to you so you need to act quick. You twist your body at the last second, missing their kick and thrust your knee upwards. It hits between the boys legs and he groans. From the limited moonlight, you see the other boy step towards you.

You turn around to get your feet under you and push yourself up with the help of a tree. Now you were standing with your back to the attacker; a bad position. They grab you by your hair and pull you down again so you're once more laying on the forest floor.

You struggle to breathe as both of the boys, one of them now recovered somewhat, tower over you. It's too dark to make out faces and you curse the night. You don't have much time to react so you do the first thing that comes to your mind. You lift your leg and kick one of them in the kneecap, hearing a sickening crunch. The other you scramble away from as quickly as your tired body would let you.

Screaming was again out of the option as the only sound you release sounds like sandpaper. The boy whose knees were still working puts one on your stomach, pinning you and sending intense pain through your abdomen. He digs his fingers into your arm and you cry out.

"Tell anyone," he hisses. "And I'm sure you can guess what will happen to you. Maybe even your little Newty," they laugh mockingly.

"Is this the part where I say you'll never get away with it?" you groan.

Another kick to the hip. "Just keep your mouth shut."

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