32. Reunion

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Newt finally opened his eyes after four hours.

He pushes himself up, propping his weight on his arm. The first thing he notices is you, sitting on the ground with your head resting on the mattress and your hand holding his limply. He smiles to himself. You'd fallen asleep waiting for him.

Newt groans quietly when he puts weight on his feet, feeling the dull ache of where the Griever had hurt him. He remembered everything the Creators did for him though; they saved him, helped him.

Once Newt manages to get you on the mattress he was just on, he leaves the room and limps out to a much bigger one. Most of the Gladers slept there, as there weren't very many other rooms with mattresses.

The only sounds heard in the large room were his bare feet on the tile, sounding his irregular footsteps. He walked past the Gladers, squinting in the dark at their faces. Where was he?

Finally Newt stops, nudges his friend in the ribs with his foot and waits for him to wake up. Minho doesn't open his eyes, just mumbles some slurred words and turns over.

"Oh for bloody-" Newt puts his foot in front of Minhos face and waits. He'd often wake him up like this when he didn't want to get up to go run in the Maze.

"WHAT IN THE SHUCK IS THAT SMELL?" Minho roars and sits up, gasping for breath.

"Shut up Slinthead you'll bloody wake everyone up. And you know how Alby is when he gets woken up."

Minho stands quickly, staring at Newt before pulling his friend into a giant hug.

"I thought you'd never wake up, man! What took you so long?" He laughs lightheartedly and Newt gives a small smile back.

"How long was I gone for?"

Minho crosses his arms. "A couple days. We all thought you were dead until you got thrown in here with us."

There's a long pause as Newt mulls over the new information. "How long do you think we'll be here for?"

"Don't know. Until we go crazy and start killin' each other, most likely."

Newt looks around and observes what he could see. The barred windows and few small rooms. Old offset white walls and floors, the smell of body odor of teenage boys and a table stacked with food.

"Huh. Well at least you've been fed nice. Can't remember the last time I bloody ate. Probably because I was unconscious for the most time but still. I'm starving," Newt mumbles as he starts moving towards the table with food.

"Shank, I've got a lot to tell you."


Light was hitting your eyelids and you force them shut tighter, attempting to block it out. You turn over on your side and pull the blanket to your chin. You didn't want to-

Wait. Blanket?

You bolt upright and grab the sheet in your hands. Newt!

You fling your feet over the bed so fast that when you stand you fall over and hit the wall. You use it to push yourself up as you run into the center room.

You scan the area of Gladers for the stupid shuck face that made you worry so much. You couldn't find him. Chuck, Alby, Thomas, Winston, Nick...where was he?

"Woah there, slow down." Someone speaks to the left of you and you spin around to see Gally approaching you with his hands towards you in defense.

"He just went to the bathroom, maybe you should just-"

Before he can finish you bolt towards the bathrooms where you see a door start to open. Out walks a tall blond boy who you fling yourself on.

"What the-" a startled Newt says. Once he recognizes it as you his arms wrap around you tightly.

Once you both let go after an eternity, you step back and shove him with your hands hard enough to make him take a step back.

"What the heck were you thinking?!" You stare into his now shocked eyes and his eyebrows furrow in deeper confusion.

"Th-that I wanted to hug you...?" He looks at you with uncertainty.

"No," you sigh. "Why would you go and get yourself stabbed and leave me here to think who knows what about if you were dead or something worse or..." You stop and breathe, clenching your jaw shut and close your eyes.

You feel Newts arms tug you to his chest. Your eyes become wet as you let out a shaky whisper.

"It should've been me, Newt."

"No no no," he murmurs softly. His hand rubs up and down your back trying to calm you. You rest your head on his chest and he chuckles quietly.

"I can't let you have all the battle scars can I? How is that fair?"

You smile and whisper, "You're an idiot."

"Yeah but I'm your idiot."

"Please, be more cliché."

At this he lets out a full laugh. He holds you away from him and kisses your forehead.

"I'm sorry for getting myself stabbed." You see the humor in his eyes and you shake your head.

"Good. Cause if you do it again I'll kill you myself."

He shakes his head and smiles at you. "Wow someone got a sense of humor while I was gone huh?"

"Mmm," you agree and stretch up on your toes so your mouth meets his.

Someone walks up next to you, trying to shuffle past you quietly. You pull away and look to Jeff who's eyes go wide.

"I-I was just tryin to..." He points to the bathroom which you were standing in front of and you roll your eyes.

"Jeff please, we're trying to have a moment here," you say sarcastically.

"Sooorrry, Princess," he replies with a grin.

You chuckle as you lead Newt away and to some of the other Gladers who were playing some games in a circle.

"Newt!" Chuck calls. "You're on the guys team. Y/N is on the girls team."

You narrow your eyes at Chuck but go along with it anyways.

A/N:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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