30. Impossibly

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"Y/N," Thomas whispers so only you can hear. You look up to him with an unhappy expression.

You shake your head and walk a little faster. You didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. For right now, you wanted to just be focused on the back of Chancellor Paige's head. You wish your glare could burn her.

After she takes you down a wide hallway with a red floor, she stops you and gestures you into a single door. You look at the other Gladers to see if they were as confused as you. When were you going home? What was inside? You'd fought your way out of the Maze for this?

She raises her eyebrows at the group, waiting for someone to open the door. No one moves.

Alright then, you think. You move to the front of the group and up to the door. Twisting the smooth handle, you push the door until it swings completely open.

You take the first step in, followed by Minho and the rest of the Gladers. The air was stale; no one had been in here for a long time. Around you were several rooms with beds, maybe bathrooms too. It was a big area and bare for the most part.

Once the entire group was in the room, Chancellor Paige told you to make yourself at home and to wait.

"Wait for what?" Frypan asks. Slight panic begins to vibrate over the group.

Chancellor Paige just gives a tight smile and closes the door swiftly. A couple boys who you recognized as former Builders rushed over to the door and tried to pry it open. It was locked.


It'd been...two days? Maybe two and a half? You were locked up in here with no food. You'd decided that WICKED, or whoever they were, was going to starve everyone to death. You began to wonder if being killed by the Grievers wasn't the better option.

You tried to ignore the hunger that scratched at your stomach and wished that it'd leave you alone. Instead you tried to think of things to distract yourself. The heat of the Glade, Newts gentle kisses, working in the Gardens, growing food...

You shake your head back and forth. You couldn't think of food, it made everything worse.

You were grateful when Maya sat next to you on a mattress that was left in every room. She patted your hand.

It's quiet for a couple moments before she speaks.

"I-I'm scared too," she says hesitantly.

You furrow your eyebrows and turn to look at her with a playful smile. "You? The fearless Maya? Scared?" You pretend to scoff and she shoves you lightly.

"Oh shut up. We all are. You're not alone."

You study your shoes and nod. "Thank you," you sigh.

"And about what happened to N-"

You whip your head around so you're looking her straight in the eyes. "Don't."

Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head. "Sorry," she breathes.

You sigh and squeeze your eyes shut, holding the bridge of your nose. "I'm sorry I-I just can't...I'm sorry."

"I understand," she murmurs.

Before you can reply, she stands and walks away, and you listen to her fading footsteps.

Remembering what happened tore a hole through you. It was sharp and agonizing, and even thinking about your endless hunger seemed pleasurable in comparison.

Your head pounded and you decided to lay down, maybe even fall asleep to escape somewhere where there wasn't as much pain.

You dreamt of the Glade, where there were no Grievers, no walls. You were free to go where you wanted and everyone who you'd cared about was still there. People with faces you almost recognized called you 'sis' and their 'daughter'. You remember them, your family.

You tell them to wait where they were, which was the homestead. You run off to find Newt, working in the Gardens as usual. You drag him back to meet your family. When you reach the Homestead with Newts hand tied to yours, you see that they're all gone. There was no one there. Where had they gone?

You turn to Newt for an answer when you feel your hand become cold and suddenly he's gone too. No...No this wasn't happening again! You scream their names but your voice is lost in the empty Glade.


Someone was shaking you. Violently. Slowly their words make sense; they were shouting your name and yelling for you to get up.  It takes all your strength to open your eyes to the face above you.

"Y/N," they say. You squint your eyes at them, trying to make their face come to focus. It was Chuck.

"Mmm?" You mumble and begin to close your eyes again, yearning for the touch of sleep that was so close...

"No Y/N. You need to stay awake. I...I almost couldn't wake you up."

You stretch your eyes back open and sit up slowly, feeling dizzy. "I'm fine," you mutter.

"Sure, but no more going to sleep..." Chuck trails off and you look up to him when he stands. He twists the hem of his shirt, nervous.

"What is it, Chuck?"

"W-we lost Maya. She wouldn't wake up. Minho's a wreck." Chuck stares at his feet, expressionless. There seemed to be a heavy silence over the group.

You stand slowly and try walking out of your room. You lean on the door for support and gradually make your way to another room where Minho sat on a bed. Next to him was a blanket covering...

You fall to your knees and let out a shaky breath. You rest your head on the mattress and watch your tears fall onto the floor beneath you. Your chest aches and sobs rack your body.

Minho slides down to sit next to you, but with his back to the mattress. He slides you onto his lap and holds you, trying to calm you. After what seems like forever, you're finally calm enough to speak.

"I'm so sorry Minho," you say and sniffle.

"Yeah..." he mumbles. "Everyone is." His voice cracks and you look up at him. His cheeks were wet and impossibly, your heart breaks even more.

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