33. Paradise

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*This chapter's going to be a little confusing if you haven't read all the books*

~Around 7 years later~

"Mom!" Tessa yells and tugs on your shirt. You turn around and kneel down to meet her eye level. Her brow is furrowed and her bottom lip juts out in a pouting fashion.

"What is it honey?" you ask her and tuck a piece of blond hair behind her ear.

"Uncle Minho won't let me play with his hair."

You smile to yourself. "Well maybe ask Uncle Thomas?"

She nods excitedly, pecks your cheek and runs back out the door of your house. You stand back up and watch her chase down Thomas through the field of apple trees. You shake your head.

It'd been seven years since you escaped the maze, went through the scorch and survived W.C.K.D. And boy, it had been worth it. You were in Paradise now, with most of the people you loved. Children were running around, playing, while their parents worked. Many people that came from Group A and B kept their jobs they had in the Glade, you included.

You finished making your bed and stepped outside to meet the bright sun on your skin. You made your way over to the Gardens where Aris already was. You waved to him as you looked for a shovel.

Strong arms wrapped around you from behind and lifted you up, throwing you over their shoulder. You squeal and laugh, yelling at Newt to let you down.

Instead he walks over to the pond, ready to throw you in.

"Don't you dare," you growl.

He sets you down and says, "Fine, but next time..."

You reach up and kiss him, pulling away with a smile. "You'll what?"

Before he can respond, a chanting comes from behind you. You turn around to see Tessa and Chuck chanting something.

"-sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

You roll your eyes and grab your husbands hand. "Come on," you say with light laughter and turn away. "We have work to do."

"Or..." Newt trails off.

Suddenly you're being carried backwards. You scream when you fly through the air only to land in cold water. You're underwater for a second before you swim back to the top.

"Newt you Slinthead! I'm-I'm gonna-" you sputter and take a deep breath. "Im going to kill you!"

You watch as Newt takes a running start and jumps in with you, splashing you with even more water. When he comes back up you have plans to splash him back but instead he sneaks up and plants a kiss on your mouth.

Before you get a word in, he splashes water on you and swims away. You gasp in surprise and your mouth gapes open.

"Oh, it's on!"

Tessa starts cheering, "Go Daddy!" and Chuck laughs loudly.

Later, when you both got out of the pond because Alby got mad at you, you stood outside of your house the Builders had made. You were wringing out your wet clothes with Newt after putting on dry ones.

You laugh at his wet hair that went in every direction. He notices your smirking and squeezes a bit of water on you from his shirt. You jump back and glare at him.

"I hate you."

"Sure you do," he replies with a smirk.

"I do."

"Mmhmm. And do you still hate me when I do this?" He steps closer to you and stares into your eyes. His fingers tilt your chin up but his lips don't meet yours. You gulp.

"Yes," you lie.

"And this?" He pecks your lips lightning fast and you internally scream.

You nod, incapable of words. He sighs and steps back.

"Well that's too bad, because I think I might be in love with you."

You feel yourself blushing, for whatever reason, and step back up to kiss him.

"Fine. I do love you."

He flashes his adorable smile and kisses you.

"I love you too."

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