28. Unexpected

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"Y/N go!" Newt shouts. You ignore him and pick up a spear, holding off one of the two Grievers.

A metal arm that was swinging towards Newt is deflected by your spear, which instantly breaks in half. You fall backwards and stare up at the now giant looking Griever. A sharp blade prepares to plunge into your stomach when an angry shout comes from next to you. Suddenly, the blade wasn't plunged into you, but Newt.

"NO!" You scramble to your knees and place your body over Newts, in a last attempt to protect the boy. You hear Thomas screaming for you to run but you weren't going to leave Newt.

You wipe away tears that cloud your vision as you shout at the Grievers and throw a spear at them. Thomas is next to you then, grabbing Newts limp body. He runs towards The Cliff, pushing you in front of him.

You run with staggered breaths and Thomas shouts instructions at you. You do as he says and jump, having complete faith in him.

A terrifying panic invades your mind as you see the nothingness below you. Then suddenly you're on the ground, trying to catch your breath. You move so Thomas and Newt could come in after you.

Laying on the ground, breathing heavily and covered in blood, sweat and Griever slime, you watch as the two figures jump through and Chuck yells at Maya to hit a button. The door above you closes and then all of the Gladers are silent. They've all seen Newt.

You push your shaking body to your hands and knees and crawl over to the person you loved. You collapse next to him and pull his body into your arms. Cries, almost as terrible as the Grievers themselves, make their way out of you.

Thomas puts a hand on your shoulder but you shake it off.

"Newt," you sob. "Newt look at me, please."

You look to his eyes and see a flicker of awareness in them. You shout at the med-jacks to help him and they rush over to you. They pull up his shirt and see the damage the Griever did. Blood covered his entire torso, and you gasp. Tears roll down your cheeks as you turn to his face.

"Y-you're going to be okay, Newt. Alright?" You cup his face in your hands and he looks up to you slowly, as if it was almost taking too much energy.

"Y/N," Clint says. You glance at him to see he's putting pressure on Newts stab wound. It was off to the side, under his ribcage to the right. "I need something to put over it and stop the bleeding.

"Shuck it," you mutter. You take off your shirt, leaving you in your tank top. Clint takes it quickly and ties it around Newts waist with another cloth acting as a bandage to stop the blood.

You turn back to him. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows were furrowed in pain. He was grinding his teeth and whimpering. You stroke his forehead and tell him everything was going to be okay, even though you didn't know for yourself.

A/N: So apparently I accidentally put part 27 on private, but I fixed it...I think. If you read part 28 before I published 27, I apologize and it should be fixed now. Oops!

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