6. Feelings

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When you wake up, the first thing you do is sit up in bed and stay there to enjoy the peace and quiet. You knew that when you went down to the boys, you'd immediately be tormented by Gally and his group.

You look out the window, watching as Thomas and Minho stretched as the Maze doors opened. It still fascinated you how they were able to do that. Then, once the rumbling of stone on stone stops, Minho and Thomas were gone.

A happy thought springs to your mind. Newt. You both would wake up before anyone else and meet in the forest. Ever since your picnic two weeks ago, it had become a special place for you two. you would meet there every morning and just enjoy the company of the other. He was your best friend, and spending time with him was the highlight of your day.

You crawl out of bed and slip on some clean jeans and a fresh shirt. You brush through your tangled hair the best you could and then you were sneaking out of the homestead.

You pass the sleeping Gladers in their hammocks and tiptoe around them. You were careful not to make a noise. Then, you see an empty hammock and know it's Newts. That meant he was already waiting for you. Excitement filled your heart.

Once you step outside, you see that it's lightly raining. Sprinkling. You enjoy the feel of the smooth raindrops on your cheeks and make your way to the nearest trees.

The second you set foot in the forest and couldn't be seen anymore, strong arms wrap around you and pull you to them in a hug. You were scared for a second before you realized it was Newt. Then you relax and hug him back.

"Good morning love," Newt sighs. You smile and look up to him.

"Good morning Newt."

He releases you and steps back. You watch him with curious eyes as he fumbles with his hands. Was he...shaking?

He stares down at his fingertips and picks at his nail. What was going on with him?

"Newt, are you alright?" You ask and hold his shaking hands in yours. You hoped you could help calm your friend down.

He gives a nervous laugh and nods, looking up to you. He stares into your E/C eyes, and you cock your head to the side with an amused look.

"What is it, Newty?" He looks down to his fingers again but you let go of one of his hands to tilt his head back up so he's looking at you.

"Y/N, I like you. A lot. I want to be more than friends, and it's bloody killing me that we can't. It's okay if you don't feel the-"

Newt is cut off by your mouth pressing against his. Jolts of energy seemed to course between both of you, electrifying you.

You smile against his mouth and then pull back. His breath smelled sweet. His eyes were still closed with his forehead resting on yours. Somehow your hands hand wound around the back of his neck and curled into his hair.

Once he opens his eyes again, you smile and kiss him lightly on the mouth again.

Happiness bubbles up inside of you. You had been waiting to do that for ages it seemed. You giggle and he starts to laugh too. You have to clasp a hand over his mouth though, because he was almost too loud. If someone were to see you two like this, it was almost certain that one of you would be banished.

You glance up to the sky and see that dawn was becoming brighter and brighter, and the Gladers would wake soon. You take a step back from Newt; his hands slipping from around your waist. He looks at you with longing in his eyes as he knows what comes next.

"Come on," you sigh and he takes your outstretched hand. You drag him to the forest edge, looking for any Gladers. None were seen.

He pecks you on the lips one last time as he heads to a different part of the forest to exit. Even though you had the same job now, both track-hoes, you couldn't take the risk of being seen exiting the forest together.

It's a good thing you parted ways too. You don't make it 10 feet before Alby spots you from across the Glade and jogs over to you.

"Hey Y/N!" he says. "What we're you in the forest for?"

"Ah," you reply and scramble for a response. "J-just paying my respects in the Deadheads."

Alby nods, as if that was a regular thing. Then he shrugs and claps you on the back. He had come to ask you for a favor, but at this point you were just glad he hadn't seen you and Newt.

Over your shoulder, you see Newt run out of the forest and over to the track-hoes. He wasn't spotted. You breathe out a sigh of relief and continue walking and talking with Alby in the light rain.

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