23. Lunch in the Tower

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The next day, Alby doesn't make you work but you decide to wander the Glade and see if you can lend a hand anywhere. You stick by the Track-Hoes with Newt for most of the time, handing him things when needed. Then two running figures emerge from out of the Maze and you jog over to them.

"Minho! Thomas!" you call and wave your arm. You hurriedly put it back down as a stabbing pain courses through you.

The two Runners grab a drink of water and head over to you.

"Back from the dead, I see?" Minho says and takes a long drink.

You laugh sarcastically. "Yeah you could say that."

"Good too. Chuckie was starting to miss you." Another long drink.

Suddenly another figure bounds towards you and stops next to Minho. Maya.

Minho swoops down and kisses her on the cheek. You step back, surprised.

You turn to Thomas and whisper, "Well that happened."

He shrugs. "You were out for a long time."

"It was three days, Thomas."

"It's Minho," is his reply. You nod. Point taken.

"Oh," Maya joins in. "I was supposed to tell you. Alby held a Gathering while you were still out. He told us that if anyone was to bother you again that they'd be banished, no questions asked."

You blink quickly in astonishment. That was another surprise. Wow, you think.

Apparently Maya had been chosen to be a Med-Jack while you were out, and when Clint and Jeff weren't available she'd take over. She was really good at it too.

"Also, we may have found a way out of the Maze!" Minho chimes in.

"What?!" you exclaim and choke on the water that Thomas had shared with you. "Are you sure that I was only out for three days?"

You cough and Minho nods. "Found it yesterday. Some kind of opening that we haven't explored yet."

Your eyes light up. "I really hope it's a way out! I can't wait to get the shuck outa here."

They all agree. Then the announcement that lunch's ready is made and you all jog over to Frypan.

You meet Newt there and he wraps an arm around your shoulders gently and kisses you on the forehead.

You're about to sit down with your food when Newt suggests something else. You follow him, confused, with your plate of food. He takes you up the tower and you smile. Perfect.

You both eat sitting with your legs crossed. It was nice to get away from everyone, all the confusing chatter and pointless conversations.

You stare at your food subconsciously, thinking. Newt looked at you with concern. Then without a word, he scoots over to you and pulls you into his lap. You look into his eyes.

"Y/N, we're getting out of here," he says. "I promise. We won't be in this place forever, and then maybe we can finally live normally."

You're hesitant to say something. "But..." you sigh. "What if the world is worse than this place, Newt? What if getting out is what destroys us?"

He thinks for a moment. "I don't know what the worlds going to be like out there," he gestures past the Maze. "But whatever it's like, if it is bad, then I promise we'll get through it together, okay?"

You nod and lean your head on his chest, feeling his steady deep breaths. It calmed you to know you weren't alone in this stinking Glade. It gave you strength.

"Whatever happens," Newt murmurs. "I swear I'll never leave you."

You reach up and press your lips to his lightly.

"Good," you chuckle. "I can't be running around this shuck place without someone to keep me out of trouble, can I?"

He laughs, one that throws his head back. Your heart swells at the sight.

"Well then, I haven't been doing a very good job, have I now?"

"Not nearly," you murmur and lay your head back down.

"Guess I just have to keep you under constant watch then," he chuckles.

"Good that. And you might need Thomas or Minho to help, I'm a lot of work," you comment. He rubs his hand up and down your back, soothing you.

"Nah, I think I can manage," he says and you can hear the smile he wore.

A weak laugh escapes your lips. "We'll see about that," you challenge.

"You're on."

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