16. Gathering

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"So," Alby begins. "I'm sure you all know what's happened lately and I'm not going to explain it any further. But we do need to discuss what to do with Gally and what steps should be taken."

It's quiet except for a scoff behind Alby. Gally.

"You got somethin' to say shank?" Minho asks and leans forward. Gally looks up at him and turns away.

Alby nods to Minho and continues. "A banishing is considered but we're still debating what to do." Alby scans the room looking at all the Gladers. He stops on you.

"Y/N, he threw you into the Maze without permission and held you in the Slammer. What do you think we should do?"

You stare back at Alby, shocked that he would ask you. You hadn't given it much thought; you'd assumed that it would've been decided by now.

"Well, put him in the pit for a day or two," you say simply.

Minho gives a sarcastic laugh and you hear other Gladers murmur.

"A day? Y/N he banished you, basically tried to kill you, and you want to put him in the Slammer for a day?" Thomas asks, surprised. The other Gladers nod in agreement to him.

You nod and Gally looks back at you with a hard expression. "And if he bothers anyone again, you can banish him."

Alby looks down for a second and turns to Newt, who was on the other side of the Gathering place. "And you, Newt?"

He's quiet for a moment before he speaks lightly. "I agree with, Y/N. There's already been enough drama in this shucking place. No need for another banishment."

Alby nods and looks at the Gladers as a whole. "Is it agreed then?" he asks all of them. There's murmuring and heads nodding.

Minho is silent and huffs, but eventually agrees. After a few moments, everyone is quiet as Alby begins to speak.

"It's decided then. Gally," he said turning to the boy with a slightly relieved expression. "Bother anyone like that again, and I think you know what happens."

The Glader is quiet and Alby turns back to the rest of the boys and you. "Get back to work," he announces. "And you two, come with me."

He points at you and Newt and your heart races with unsurety. You both follow Alby out and into the Glade. Newt trails close behind you, his hand brushing yours lightly.

Alby takes you both to the Deadheads, and you know why. He wanted to address yours and Newts relationship. The thought of not being with Newt sends panic pulsing through your heart and you take his hand firmly in yours.

Alby stops once you're all in the middle of the Deadheads. He turns around to see your hands clasped and looks from them to your faces. He folds his arms and nods while thinking.

"Alby if I can say something-" Newt begins and steps forward next to you.

"No," Alby says before Newt can continue. You give each other worried looks. "The Gladers already know that you two are..." he motions to your hands. "whatever you are. And it seems to be doing both of you more good than bad. So, just...don't gross the Gladers out too much with your lovey dovey stuff, okay?"

Your eyes widen and you look from your shoes to Alby. A smile widens on Newts face and you pull him into a hug. Your fingers curl in the boys shirt and you breathe in the scent of dirt and sweat from work in the Gardens.

"The new Greenie needs a hammock so you two can just share a room if you'd like and I can give the other girl your hammock, Newt," Alby comments and Newt pulls away from the warm hug.

"Y-yeah, the Greenie can have it."

Alby nods in agreement then walks awkwardly around you two when you hug again. He shakes his head and wonders what mistake he just made. Then you and Newt are left in the Deadheads.

"I was so worried," you mumble. He nods and strokes your hair with his fingers.

"Well," he says and steps back. "We should probably get to work then, love."

You sigh and nod, taking his hand and glad that you're finally able to go into the Glade like this with confidence. You both head back over to the Gardens to start working again.

The new Greenie who still hasn't remembered her name yet is trying out all the jobs today. She was working in the Gardens with you and Newt. By speaking to her, you already know you like this girl.

"So who's that grumpy guy then?" She asks as she picks some tomatoes.

"Gally," both you and Newt respond. You chuckle.

"Why is he in that 'Slammer' place?"

"He tried to kill me," you reply simply, putting water over the plants the girl had already picked from.

"Kill you? Why? Are you the one who did that to his eyebrows? 'Cause I'd probably kill someone over that," she laughs.

Newt gives a long laugh and behind you Zart chuckles.

"We've just had bad history," you tell her and she nods.

"Well if I get placed with him then I'll be sure to stay on his good side."

The day continues and you keep talking with the girl. At one point she stops working and stares at nothing. You and Newt glance at each other. You'd seen this look before.

"What is it, Greenie?" Zart asks and steps up next to her. She stutters for a moment.

"My name...I think I remember it."

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