24. Albys

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The next morning, you're woken up by someone bursting into your room. The door slams against the wall and then the intruder slams it behind them. You bolt upright and rub your eyes to see who it was.

"Minho? Thomas?"

The two boys press their backs against the door and Minho pushes a finger to his mouth, signaling to be quiet. You're about to stand up when you hear thundering footsteps.

"MINHO! THOMAS!" Alby screams. Your eyes fly wide open and you hold back a laugh.

"What did you do?" You mouth to Thomas. He slowly holds up a handful of clothes. You clap a hand over your mouth. No way!

Newt had already went down to the Gardens apparently because he wasn't anywhere in the room. Odd that you hadn't woke up when he did.

A heavy fist hits your door repeatedly.

"Y/N! Are those two Slintheads in there?"

Your eyes go wide and you don't say anything for a moment. "N-No...?"

You hear Albys groan of frustration and anger. "Y/N don't lie to me I saw them run in here, now open the door."

You giggle silently with the other two boys.

"Y/N!" Alby barks.

You stand and usher Minho and Thomas away from blocking the door and have them hide in your small closet.

You open the door slowly and you freeze in shock.

Alby stood holding a towel around his waist. Only a towel.

You burst out laughing and Alby taps his foot impatiently.

"I need my clothes, Y/N. They stole them while I was showering. Now where are they?" He used a slightly gentler tone with you. You shake your head and continue laughing. You're out of breath when he pushes past you and into the room.

He approaches the closet but you speak up quickly.

"Alby, do you really think I would let those shuck faces hide where I keep my clothes?"

Yes, you thought. Apparently I would.

He stares at you for a second, and while he's distracted, Minho leads while Thomas follows him out of the closet quietly.

They're almost out of your room when a floorboard creaks and Alby spins around to see the boys. Fire lights in his eyes and he chases after the now running and laughing boys.

You laugh at the Gladers and decide to get dressed for the day.

Your ribs were still painful to the touch and it always made everything so much harder. At first, Maya would sometimes help you get changed because you weren't able to move certain ways. Luckily, you could shower by yourself.

You make your way down to the Glade and see that Minho was now spinning Albys clothes around above his head and shouting. Alby was always a little behind because of attire and he wasn't as fit as a Runner. Eventually a few other Gladers come in like Frypan and Zart. Alby finally catches them when the clothes were passed to Chuck.

Alby leaves, fuming. He stomps off to the Homestead with his clothes balled up into his fist.

You shake your head and continue to go find Newt.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to update a little since I've been sick but I promise I'll write again soon.

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