22. Doctors Checkup

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"Y/N? Please wake up, it's Newt."

Newt? Why do you sound so worried? you think.

"Can you hear me?"


"Wake up."

I'm trying.


Sun hits the back of your eyelids, making them glow red. It seems to take too much work, too much energy but finally you push your eyes open.

You were in the Med-jacks hut, laying on one of the uncomfortable beds.

You groan and push yourself up. How long have I been here?

"Y/N??" Rapid footsteps race towards you and you look to the corner of the room to see a worried Newt barreling towards you. You brace yourself for the impact, knowing it would hurt.

Instead he stops and kneels by you, smoothing the hair out of your face.

"I-I've been so worried! Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you-"

"Newt!" You laugh. "I'm okay. How long have I been in here?"

Newts face falls. "Almost three days."

Your jaw hits the floor and you wonder if you heard him correctly.

"B-but why?" Your head tries to wrap around a reason but you can't manage one.

"Clint and Jeff said something about shock and your body shutting down to repair." Newt pauses. "Y/n, I was so worried. I didn't know if you were going to wake up a-and Clint said that you might not even remember me when you did and I was so scared and-"

You pull him into a hug, ignoring your side, to comfort him. You stroke the back of his hair and hold him tightly.

"Newt, I'm fine and I remember you. I woke up. Everything's okay."

He's quiet and when he pulls away he looks to the door behind him. "I should probably get Clint or Jeff, shouldn't I?"

You nod, feeling an intense pounding in your head. He stands and promises to be back quickly.

He's not gone for long, a minute or two. Then a tired looking Clint enters the room and gives you a sarcastic smile.

"Back again, are we?" He picks up a cloth from the table and strolls over to you. "Really," he says dabbing at a cut on your cheek. "We've got to stop meeting like this."

You chuckle and nod in agreement.

"Ooookay," he says slowly. "Lucky for you, your pretty face was saved. Now for your ribs and stomach...that's going to take time."

You groan and look to your feet, wiggling your toes. "Are any of them broken?" you ask about your ribs.

"Yep. And I think that officially makes you the Glader with the most injuries and broken bones that we've ever had. Ever," Jeff chuckles. You smile.

"Great. Do I get a medal?"

Clint walks over to you with a long stretched gauze and you know what it's for. You stand with the help of Newt and lift your shirt only enough to wrap your ribs.

Once they wrap it around what seems like 20 times, they finally let you sit. You sigh and they offer to give you pain medication. You accept, thankful.

Once Clint and Jeff leave, you ask Newt the question that was itching at the back of your mind.

"Newt, what happened to Riley and Troy?" You feared that you already knew the answer.

"Banished." He replies simply. He seems drained, you notice.

You nod and frown. You didn't want anyone to be banished because of you.

"And..." you ask slowly. "No one tried to hurt you?"

His eyebrows furrow. "No...why would they? Y/N, what happened out in the Deadheads? Why did they hurt you?"

You look to your toes again, moving each one individually.

"Y/N please," he begs and takes your hands in his.

"Does it matter? They're gone anyways."

"It does bloody matter!" Newt exclaims. "I saw what they did to you, Y/N. That's not okay. Why didn't you tell me? What did they say to you?"

You sigh and stop moving your toes, now glaring at them.

"They said they'd kill you or me if I told anyone, Newt."

The words hang over you both like a storm. Newt falls silent and sits back in his chair, astonished.

You finally look up to his exhausted face and sigh.

"Commere'," you tell him. You scoot over in the small bed to make room for him. He slides in quickly and you fold the blanket over him.

"Let's just forget about it. They're gone. Now what matters is that you get some sleep because I know you haven't," you tell him and trace the dark circles under his eyes.

He stares into your eyes and soon you feel the effects of the pain medication taking over. You fight to keep your eyelids open as you hear Newt whisper something.

"I love you, Y/N."

I love you too, Newt," you murmur.

Then the darkness and painkillers take you once again.

A/N: So I hope you liked these chapters and I have to say THANK YOU to all the wonderful comments I keep getting! They really keep me going. If you guys have ideas for the story just leave a suggestion in a comment or message me because I'm running out of ideas, eek! Also I will be adding pictures to the recent chapters later but don't have good enough service at the moment to do so.

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