21. Show and Tell

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As you black out, Alby holds down Troy as Newt pulls Riley off of you.

"What in the bloody shuck have you done?" Newt yells, while picking your still form up. He holds you in his arms with concern planted on his face.

You let out a shriek in your unconscious state. Newt was pushing on your ribs. Your outburst frightened him and he ordered Chuck to get Clint and Jeff. He does and Newt gently lays you back down, not wanting to hurt you further.

He stands, rage practically overcoming him. He throws a fist at Riley and it strikes him on the cheek.

"What in the shuck were you thinking?"

Riley storms forward but someone stops him.

Gally. He'd been released today.

"Now what's going on here?" He says as he steps between Newt and Riley.

"This slinthead attacked Y/N," Newt snarls.

"Hey she started it!" he retorts.

Gally squints at Riley and pulls him in close. "What have you done?"


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Gally screams at him and grabs him by the collar.

"I told you I'd take care of her, didn't I?" Riley spits.

"I didn't ask you to do that," Gally sneers back and pushes the boy away.

Alby takes Troy and Riley and throws them in the pit, wiping a hand down his face. When would everything be normal again?

Gally steps up to you and tries to pick you up.

"What do you think you're doing?" Newt pulls him back.

"Helping," Gally says irritated. "Don't worry, Newt. I've learned my lesson. I regret what I did, okay?"

Newt shakes his head and tells Gally to let Clint and Jeff handle you. Gally agrees and steps back. The rest of the Glade feels the tension and Alby has them go back to work.

When Clint and Jeff finally come rushing to Frypans kitchen area, they shake their head.

"Again?" Jeff sighs. "Frypan what did you cook this time?"

Frypan folds his arms and looks at the Med-jacks. "Cute."

Clint lifts you up and you whimper in pain. Clints eyebrows furrow but he hurried back to the hut. Jeff rushes after him and Newt follows.

Inside the Med-jacks hut, Clint places you on the bed and asks what happened. As Newt explains he becomes angry and sits in the chair in the corner, pushing his head into his hands.

"Man," Jeff says. "Should we just reserve a bed for her here?"

Newt huffs. "Probably," he mumbles.

Clint starts feeling your ankles and legs to check for broken bones. He works his way up to your stomach where when he pushes, you let out a soft groan.

He gives Jeff a confused look and Newt stands up quickly.

Clint pulls your shirt up. Tears fill Newts eyes as he looks at your battered body. The black and blue marks snake their way around your torso and Jeff gasps. Clint presses gently on each rib and takes longer on others.

"Well?" Newt asks impatiently.

"Well, major bruising for one," he sighs and pulls your shirt back down. "And three broken ribs. Maybe another cracked."

Newt slams a fist to the wall. "I knew it! I shucking new it!"

"What do you mean?" Jeff asks.

"Last night she came out of the Deadheads half, well, dead. She said she just fell asleep...I should've known better," he sighs and pushes a hand through his hair.

"Well, that would explain why they started a fight today," Clint comments.

"Yeah but...why didn't she tell me?" Newt asks and looks at your sleeping self. He shakes his head and sits back down in the chair.

After a moment of silence, dread hits Newt. He sits up abruptly.

"All those times I hugged her...pressed on her side. Would that have hurt?" he asks Jeff, already knowing the answer.

"Like none other," the boy replies and shakes his head.

Clint continues to check your body for anything broken or bruised. He doesn't find much else beside some new brushing from today.

"She should be okay. Tell us when she wakes up, okay?" Jeff asks Newt and he nods. "We'll be able to do more when she wakes up."

The two Med-jacks leave and you and Newt are left alone in the dusty room. Newt slides his chair from the corner over to your bed and sits there, crouched.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N."

Your only reply was your steady breathing.

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