14. Welcome to the Glade

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Today was the day another Greenie came up in the box. Everyone buzzed with excitement, hoping it would be another girl. This was the second month you'd been in the Glade. You couldn't believe how fast everything had gone.

Newt was still sitting with you at Frypans kitchen, both of you eating slowly, your hands entwined.

Alby had gave Newt the day off to spend it with you, because after all, you'd just gotten out of the Maze and he knew Newt was the only one who was able to comfort you. Alby still wasn't sure what to do about you two.

The gathering for Gallys punishment was postponed until tomorrow because of the soon to arrive new Glader. Hardly any work was accomplished with such excitement floating around. Bets were made if it was going to be a boy or girl, what job they'd have, and what they'd do when they arrived. It was sort of a tradition among the Gladers.

Newt and you had eventually traveled back to your room, because it was a mattress instead of a hammock and it was more private. You both sat facing each other with legs crossed on your bed, faces twisted into concentration and determination as your thumbs fought. You were going to win this thumb war if it was the last thing you did.

The tense atmosphere broke as you shouted in defeat. Newt had won. He puts his arms above his head and cheers, almost as if he's waiting for you to applaud him. You cross your arms and raise your eyebrow at him.

"Well if you won't congratulate me, can I at least have a kiss?" He asks in his lovely British accent that made you want to listen to him for ages.

You slowly unfold your arms and flicker your gaze between his mouth and eyes. He took this as a yes and started to get closer. You put your hands on the back of his neck, curling your fingers into the soft hair there. Once you're close enough that your breaths are mixing you put your forehead to his, staring deeply into his eyes. Your noses touch and Newt snakes his arms around your waist.

Your hands slide from the back of his head to his cheeks and he breathes faster, waiting for the moment when you touch your lips to his. His eyes flutter and he begins to close the gap. At the last second, you slide your hand that was on his cheek over his lips.

You move your mouth over by his ear and whisper, "No."

"Bloody-You couldn't have just said that? You had to tease me too?" He exclaims after you pull back. Your shoulders shake with laughter and you look to his broken expression. He pretended to be genuinely hurt but you could see right through him.

"Sorry, love," you snicker and bop him on the nose with your finger. He rolls his eyes.

"I'll get you back, you know. This isn't over." He stares you in the eyes but you just laugh and untangle your legs to stand.

Once you're on your feet you say "Good that" and offer him a hand up.

"Where are we going?" He asks and takes your outstretched palm.

"The new Greenie's gonna be here soon. We should get down there."

"Alright, but I'm getting that kiss eventually," he mutters in your ear. You laugh again and roll your eyes.


Before you step out into the Glade, Newt turns to you.

"Do you think we should still be hiding this?" He asks and holds up your hands that were latched together.

"I don't see the point in it," you say. "Everyone already knows."

Newt looks to his feet and nods, agreeing. Then, with total confidence, he leads both of you out to the Box where everyone waited anxiously.

Some people ignored you, others stared at your entwined hands. Then there was Minho, who made kissy faces at you and Newt. You shook your head and turned your attention back to the Box.


Everyone was quiet, waiting for the familiar blaring of a siren to inform the Gladers of a new arrival. There was none.

The boys started to murmur, worried that the Box might not be coming back up at all. Some cast you glares as if it were your fault the Box wasn't coming up. You stared back at them with the same expression until they looked away.

The boys began leaving one by one, each of them losing hope. The doors had shut now, and it was growing dark. Some of the Gladers, like Alby and Thomas, had retrieved torches as they waited for a couple more moments by the Box.

You were considering heading back, until a blaring alarm sound started going off. The Box was coming up.

The boys who had left came rushing back, some with torches to help light up the area. You were about to cover your ears to shield yourself from the loud sound when it suddenly stopped. The Box had arrived.

Newt motioned to Alby to be the one to go down. Alby looked to Newts hands, which were playing with your fingers gently. He pursed his lips but jumped down into the Box.

He looked up to Thomas, motioning for him to hand him his torch. He handed it down to Alby. When the Gladers saw what was inside, they all started chattering; some nervously, some happily.

It was another girl.

She had long blond hair and dark features. Her skin was pale and she was thin. She wore the usual jeans and blue T-shirt that most Greenie's arrived with. The same outfit that you'd came up in.

Alby notices her gender, but doesn't say anything about it. Instead he nods to her and says what he said to every Greenie.

"Welcome to the Glade."

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