1. The New Arrival

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Blinding light struck your eyes as the top of the weird metal container you were trapped inside opened up. You stared up and blocked the light from your eyes with your hand.

"A girl!" Someone with a British accent exclaimed. Shouts arose around you; things like: "Dibs!", "She won't last a day here!" and "Why a girl?".

As your eyes focused, you could start making out some figures. There was something odd though, there were only boys staring down at you. Maybe the girls were somewhere else? You climb to your feet and someone with strong arms helps you out of the box.

Without the sun blinding their figure from you, you can see their features now.

Big brown eyes stare into yours and sandy blond hair falls just short of their eyes. The boy smiles at you and holds out his hand. You take it cautiously, ready to bolt at any sign of danger.

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie. Name's Newt," he tells you. Your mouth parts slightly at his accent. He was the boy who had a British accent.

"Mine's..." You trail off, not sure what your name was. "I-I can't remember. I can't remember anything!"

"Hey, it happened to us all," he states and drops your hand. "You'll remember in a day or two."

You nod, slightly relieved. Suddenly a booming voice speaks loudly next to you.

"Newt, start unloading the supplies with the builders. I'll take the new Greenie to the homestead and get her set up. And to the rest of you," the man says. "No one lays a finger on her. Got it shanks?"


"Good that," Newt says and jumps down into the box you had just came out of.
The group had fallen silent and mumbles of disappointment filled the air. The crowd had dispersed except for Newt, a Asian boy, and a couple others who jumped down to help Newt. You turned to the man who had spoken.

He was dark skinned and tall. Well built too. You guessed he was in charge here, since everyone seemed to take his orders without arguing.

He nods at you and gestures for you to follow him as he speaks. You trail behind him, still cautious.

"I'm Alby," he says loud enough for you to hear behind him. "I'm in command here."

"What is 'here'?" You ask. You look around for the first time and stop dead in your tracks. Alby stopped too, waiting for you to take in everything.

There were gigantic stone walls surrounding you, trapping you. There didn't seem to be any way out except for the tall, small opening to your right.

When Alby spoke again you realized your mouth had dropped open and was now dragging across the ground.

"We call it the Glade; and we only have three rules. First, do your part and work; there's no room for slackers. Second, never harm another Glader. And third, but most important, never go beyond those walls."

Alby stares at you intensely, meaning every word he spoke. You turn from his stern expression and take another glance around the Glade.

After a moment, you ask, "Why? What's beyond those walls?"

Alby takes a deep breath and begins to walk again. You follow.

"Nothing good," he mutters barely loud enough for you to hear.

Once you and Alby reach the place he called the 'homestead', he leads you up some stairs and to a room at the end. You both step inside.

"You're to sleep here," he says and motions to the bed. "You're a girl, so I think it would be best to keep you away from the rest of those slintheads." He takes a deep breath and you nod.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" You ask innocently. Then a horrible thought pops into your mind. "Are there any other girls?"

Alby looks you in the eye and shakes his head. "No, you're the first, Greenie."

"Well..." You pause with a panicking heart. "Why?"

He shrugs and you become more frustrated.

"Who put us here? What's beyond those walls? How long have you been here? What in the heck is a slinthead?"

Alby holds his hands up and says, "You'll learn everything soon; just give it a rest for today. Tomorrow you get the tour and try to find a job you'll be good at, okay, Greenie?"

You nod and wonder why they keep calling you 'Greenie'. Why is everything so confusing? You think to yourself. You take a seat on the bed and Alby begins to walk out of the room.

"Newt will be up in a little bit to help you figure everything out. It's scary for a while but you'll adjust to everything soon enough." He gives you an apologetic look.

"Okay. Thanks, A-Alby," you say and he walks out the door.

You take a deep breath and flop down on your bed.

This is going to be a long, very confusing day. You sigh.

A/N: Hey! This is my first Maze Runner fanfiction and I'm excited! Please leave comments or votes if you liked it or have any suggestions. Thanks :)

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