29. Creators

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"Well, well, well," a feminine voice says. It's accompanied by slow clapping and the rhythmic clicking of high heels. "You made it out."

The group spins around to see a woman dressed in a pure white skirt and top. She wears a smirk on her pale lips as she looks down to the scene that unfolded. Her smile drops a little when she sees your sobbing form laid next to Newts.

"Who the shuck are you?" Minho says and balls his hands into fists, ready for more fighting.

"I'm Chancellor Ava Paige. You were all part of an experiment for the greater of mankind, and I was the one in charge of it." She folds her hands together and pastes on a plastic smile.

"You, you're the one who put us here?" Gallys anger is evident in his voice and she flinches a little. "Look what you've shucking done!" He motions to Newt.

"Yes, well...we were expecting some casualties."

Your body goes rigid and you stop breathing.

"Casualties?" You whisper to yourself, sure that only Clint heard.

You stand up, letting go of Newts hand and wiping the tears off your cheeks. Your knees shake but the anger builds inside of your chest like a balloon.

"Casualties??" You shout. The entire room was quiet except for your racing heart. "You call the murder of dozens of innocent teens, CASUALTIES?"

Your hands, like Minhos, ball up and tighten into fists. You breathe heavily and start walking towards the woman, not quite sure what you were going to do once you reached her.

Strong arms restrained you but you push against them, determined to make her pretty face look a little different. You try shaking out of the arms that grip you, biting, kicking. But they wouldn't let you go. So you collapse in them, all of your strength gone. You rely on them to keep you up now as you start to sob again.

Two men come out of a door that you assumed Chancellor Paige had came out of too. She nods to them and they walk forward. Past you, past Gally, and to Newt. Like synchronized robots, they bend down and pick Newt up; one by his shoulders and the other by his legs.

"No," you whisper. "No what are you doing?" You shout at the two men and once again try to break out of Minhos arms. He holds you back as the two men walk past you with a groaning Newt. They walk to the door they came through and out with Newt. You screamed at them and at the woman who caused all of this. It was all her fault.

"Hey," Minho mutters in your ear. You stop struggling again. "I don't like it either, but kicking me isn't going to help. Just work with me, alright shank?"

You say nothing but give a small nod. He releases you and steps forward.

"What do you want with us?"

The seemingly amused woman holds out her hand in a gesture. Her thin lips pull into a tight smile.

"Come with me."

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