7. Careful

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You worked all day, planting and weeding and other various jobs. The other Track-Hoes helped you out, unlike the Builders. The thought of them makes you angry.

One of the Track-Hoes named Tyler was talking to you about what the world could be like outside of the maze. As you were talking to him, two panting boys run from out of the Maze. Minho and Thomas.

Everyone rushes to meet the Gladers, concerned as to why they were back so early. You trail behind Tyler.

"Griever..." Minho gasps. Alby steps out of the crowd and puts a hand on Thomas's shoulder.

"In the middle of the day?" He questions them. They nod and the Gladers break out in low murmurs and hisses.

You walk around the crowd, looking for Newt. Apparently he was searching for you too because once he spots you he fights his way through the middle of the crowd towards you. Once he meets you, he stands next to you, your hands brushing.

"A Griever at this time? Isn't that impossible?" You ask with worried eyes.

"Not impossible, but rare. We've only seen one in the day twice; and that was a year ago." Newt folds his arms in deep concentration.

Soon the crowd disperses but the whispers don't. The Gladers still talk amongst themselves, worried and confused. No one knew what to do anymore.

Minho and Thomas stayed out of the Maze for the rest of the day. They didn't want to risk getting stung. Alby had told you about all of that.

You run up to Thomas and hit his hip with yours.

"What do they look like, the Grievers?" You ask.

Thomas purses his lips to the side and thinks.

"Small, fluffy, and they actually have names like Muffin." You stare at your friend with a blank face.

"Wow, looks like someone's picked up on Minhos sass. But I'm serious, what are they like?" You stare seriously, waiting for his reply.

"I didn't really get a good look at one before I decided it was time to leave. Neither did Minho. But they're huge and deadly. That's all that matters." He folds his arms against his chest.

"Well I'm glad you got back safely. Wouldn't want to carry your sorry butt back here."

This makes Thomas laugh and you smile to see him happy. He seemed to be under a lot of stress lately, with trying to find the exit and everything. It was good to hear him laugh.

"Ah," you say. "Chucks calling me. I better go." He waves to you and you flip around and head over to Chuck who was wandering around looking for you. Once you see him you rush over to him.

"Hey Y/N! I was looking for you." Chuck smiles brightly and puts his hands on his hips.

"So I heard. What do you need shank?" You put your hand on your hip and rest a smile on your face.

"Gally wanted to see you in the Homestead."

You're confused and cautious. You ask Chuck why and he just shrugs. You shake your head and walk over to the Homestead.

Pushing open the door, it creaks loudly. Gally waits for you with his back to you. Once he hears your entrance, he turns to face you.

"What do you want?" You ask in annoyance. You didn't want to talk to him right now. He was a pain.

"Just to tell you to be careful."

Careful? Gally was concerned for you? Was he joking?

"What do you mean by that?" You ask and put your hands on your hips.

"I mean that you better watch what you're doing. Follow the rules and we won't have any problems, got it?" He raises one of his high eyebrows and you furrow yours. This confused you even more. What was he talking about?

"Right. Okay are we done here? I have work to do."

He nods and waves you off. You shake your head and turn around to head back over to the Track-Hoes. Gally was crazy, had to be. That, or he was messing with you. Another way to annoy you maybe? Whatever it was, you decided not to worry about it.

After dinner that night, everyone decides to go to bed early. It was a tiresome day; finding the Griever and working to add on top.

The darkness was thick enough outside that none of the three people still awake saw when Newt took your hand in his. He lead you to the Homestead and up to your room, careful to be quiet around the sleeping Gladers. You stop outside your room and he speaks quietly.

"Are you okay?" Newt asks you and takes your other hand in his so he's holding both.

"Yeah," you mutter. "Just been thinking a lot I suppose."

"What about?"

You try to decide whether or not to tell him about what Gally had said. After a moment, you decide that it's not important enough and it was probably just Gally playing with you.

"Nothing important."

Newt looks down, thinking. Eventually he nods and kisses your forehead. You wrap your arms around him and wish you could stay in his embrace like this forever.

Too soon, he lets go of you and tells you goodnight. He walks away and you step into your dark room, shutting the door behind you.

Before you know it, you're curled up in a ball in your bed. The only thing to make this better would be to have Newt next to you.

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