|| Knowing ||

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Neyudia's POV

I always woke up early since I was told I would teach my age group how to fight. I was the best at everything and I wasn't a cocky person like people thought. I trained hard to get to where I am today. It wasn't just given to me They don't know much about me, no one does.

I went out to feed my ilu, Stara.

What would I even teach this skwxangs. It's like they have two left feet. I've seen some of them fight. Oh eywa, if it depended on their life they would be dead.

"Pay attention," a voice said.

Ever since what happened when I was 13 I started to have a voice whispering to me. I've never mentioned it to anyone because I knew they would think I was crazy. Besides, I didn't need anyone but myself. I had to focus on the people and protect them.

I heard footsteps. I called Stara and swam off to our most sacred place. I grabbed my braid and was about to connect to the spirit tree. I backed away as I started to think.

I'm not ready yet. I can't. If it wasn't for me she would of-whatever.

I saw the sun starting to rise up. I headed back to shore and noticed the Sully kids trying to swim. They seemed happy with no care in the world. Sometimes I wish I didn't grow up as fast as I did but it had to be done. I had a duty to complete.


Neteyam's POV

I woke up and it was still dark. I walked out slowly so no one would hear me or wake up. I saw the girl. I was about to approach her before she dived into the water.

Dam it.

"You know you look like a massive creep just staring at her," said my dumb brother.

I turned around and looked at him.

" Shut up. Like you aren't all goo goo gaa gaa eyes like a skwxang at Tsireya. What are you even doing up ?"

"When you woke up you literally smacked the fuck out of me. So I think obviously I'm going to wake up."

" We both know you deserved it anyways," I said as I rubbed his head harshly.

" Bro, I literally hate when you do that! You're messing up my hair!"

"Why got someone to impress?" I smirked at him.

" Kids come eat before you go to your lessons," my mother said.

And that's when I noticed the day has started and maybe I would see the mysterious girl around.

Once we finished eating we started heading to the water. We all jumped in and started splashing water on each other. Probably the first time we had fun without worrying that someone would shoot us any second.

" Are you guys ready for your first lesson," said Tsireya.

"Yes!", said Tuk.

" Let's swim then!"

We started swimming but fuck they were fast. Then they started moving their hands in the water. I looked at Lo'ak and he was even more confused than I was. I was running out of air so I swam up to get my breath again.

" Um we don't understand what," Lo'ak said as he moved his hands, " means."

"We don't understand your finger talk," I stated.

" You're too fast," whined Tuk.

" I see we have to teach you how to breathe before we start swimming," Tsireya said as she looked at Aonung.

"Wait, where's Kiri?," asked Roxto.

Kiri finally came up after an hour of searching for her.

" Guys the ocean is so beautiful," she said as she smiled.

We headed to the rocks and got into a circle. Tsireya started talking about how to breathe in the water.

"Breathe from your stomach and slow your heartbeat as if you're flickering a flame."

Tsireya then helped Lo' ak on his breathing exercises as she placed her hand on his stomach.

"Your heartbeat is very fast. Slow it down, focus Lo'ak."

I looked at Roxto and started smiling.

My bro was head over heels in love and couldn't make it any more obvious.

"Tsireya we got to go, Neyudia is going to start the class soon," said Aonung.

" What class?" asked Lo'ak.

"Starting today, Neyudia is going to be teaching 16 and older teenagers how to fight and defend yourself. She's the best here in our clan. She's the youngest warrior that has tattoos," said Aonung like he was amazed by what she's done.

"Who's Neyudia?, asked Kiri.

" She's the girl who almost tried to kill you when you first got here," said Tsireya.

So that was her name. Neyudia. It's a beautiful name.

"And um how old is she," I asked.

"She's your age actually," said Tsireya smiling.

" But don't be fooled. She's very hard on people. She doesn't hold back, she will most likely actually have us fight. And no one can stop her, she's real skilled and talented," said Roxto.

" We really don't know much about her, not even me or Tsireya and we've known her since we were little. She's a very closed person, and doesn't open up about anything. Just does what she needs to do. So don't even try to get to know her she won't let you," said Aonung

"She sounds scary," said Tuk.

" She's treats people how you treat her, so nothing to worry about," said Tsireya.

Wow. A strong independent woman. Dad says those were always the best I mean look who he mated with. I needed to get to know her. It was going to be a challenge that I'm willing to complete.

" Tuk, go home. We got a class to attend to," I said as I smiled.


AUTHORS NOTE: Second chapter in!! It may seem boring now but trust me it's going to get good. Very excited to write the next chapters.

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