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Neyudia's POV

"You know who it is, Neyudia."

"They're back."

It couldn't be them. Why did they come back? I heard a call and all the clan started to get out to see what was going on. I swam back. I wasn't going to let them step foot here again. Not after what they have done.

"Neyudia it's best if you lea-," said Tonowari as I interrupted him.

"I have a right to be here," I said fiercely.

It was time to prepare. I didn't have much time to hide. I went to sneak behind a tree so I could strike him dead. He didn't come alone , it didn't mean I couldn't hurt them too. As they kept getting closer and closer Tonowari was getting the kids to a safe spot. Besides, what was going to happen was not going to be pretty. I had all my knives on me and had my bow with its arrow ready to go.

I was going to have to face him again. After everything he did to me, my mom, and the clan. He cannot be forgiven. He was near us. He put his hand up to stop his companions from getting down. I sneaked closer to be able to see and hear better. I saw the Sully family in the corner, I couldn't let anything happen to anyone, especially not Neteyam.

"You are not welcomed here Mu'san," said Tonowari.

"I have family here must mean something," said Mu'san.

Such bullshit.

I looked at Ronal as she gave me the look that it was the right moment. As I was right near him I slid out and as I got my aim and was about to shoot him someone got on top of me and pushed me out. As I landed on my feet and looked up I saw who it was.

My mother.

Ronal had her spear ready. My mother hissed at me as I got up to her face looking her dead in the eye.

"That's your father you bitch," said my mother.

"He deserves to die," I said coldly.

"Neyudia," said my father.

I had my knife out towards him and he backed away in surrender.

"I will kill you and everyone you brought here," I said.

"You think you are so strong don't you?" he said as he circled around me.

"I remember when you were too shy to even speak, now you think you're so tough," he said as he laughed.

"I know why you hate me."

"You know nothing," I said blandly.

"Oh but I do. You're mad because you know you're like me. Same attitude , issues, everything. And your mother reminds you everyday," he said with the biggest grin.

"Come back to daddy, be his little girl again," he said, talking to me as if I was a little kid and holding his arms out.

I dropped my cold expression and walked up to him. I looked up to him and when I was about to hug him, I punched him in the face over and over and over again until he was unconscious. He obviously didn't see that coming. I wasn't going to fall for his pathetic trap again. I wasn't a little easily manipulated girl anymore. I flipped him around and tied his hands behind his back and I held his head with my knife pressed hard against his throat. My mother screamed out of frustration at me. Before she could charge at me some of the clan went in front of me to protect me. My father's little friends decided to crash the little reunion. They decided to get off and come to our land. Tonowari and his army were able to hurt them badly enough that they couldn't get up. As I was looking around I saw my mother holding a knife pressed against someone's neck.


"You let him go or I'll cut the love of your life head off," I said.

I couldn't lie, I was nervous. I needed to bluff.

"You do that and I'll start to cut him," she said.

I wanted to scream and hurt her so badly.

"Neteyam!," screamed Neytiri.

She started to run to him but my mother got one of my dad's friends to point an arrow at her. She backed away and looked at me desperately.

"You know it was all your fault. What happened to her," she said.

Every time she mentioned it, it broke a piece inside of me. The guilt I had to live with everyday for one simple mistake. I didn't mean to.

She was right, it was my fault. But right now I had to save Neteyam not get revenge. It may feel good but he needed to be safe. I let my dad go as I let him fall to the ground. I ran up to her and she gave me Neteyam. I hissed in her face as she walked by me. I signaled to Neytiri that it was safe now. I handed Neteyam to her as I stood up. My father started to get ready to leave and my mother watched him.

"Make your choice Mi'ka, him or your home and family," said Ronal.

My mother looked at me with cold eyes.

"I'd rather go with him then spend another minute here with her," she said as she got on his ilu and swam off.

I watched them swim away until I couldn't see them anymore. Ronal put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her with no expression and went to go be alone.

I wasn't hurt. But my inner child was heartbroken that her own parents didn't even love her.


Neteyam's POV

I was still caught in the moment.

Did that just happen?

Ma was holding me and had my head pressed against her chest.

"Thank mother Eywa," she said over and over again as she cradled me in her arms.

My dad and all my siblings eventually came and we all got into a group hug.

"Sully's always stick together," my dad said.

I looked up to ma.

"I need to talk to her," I said.

She already knew who I was talking about so she nodded and let me go. I had a feeling she would be by the dock all alone. As I arrived at the place she was sitting down on the edge curled up. She slightly turned her head sideways to see me. I sat down next to her.


"I'm sorry Neteyam," she said.

"I'm so sorry you had nothing to do with that situation and I put you in danger and I don't deserve your forgiveness," she said, not looking me in the eye.

"Neyudia it's okay," I said.

She stood up.

"But it's not," she said frustrated.

I looked up at her before I got up and towered over her.

"Everyone is okay, nothing to worry about," I said softly.

"No, you don't understand," she said, while she threw her hands up and tried to walk off.

Before she could walk away I grabbed her arm to make her close to me again.

"Then make me understand Neyudia," I begged.

I grabbed both her hands as I rubbed my thumbs. She let go of my hands and as she strolled away. She turned around.

"Come," she said.

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