Episode 1: Crash

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We saw we were approaching a train station. We stopped at it to make a supply stop. "Lets go for it." I said. Clem gave AJ a knife. I held my hand out for the gun. AJ gave it to me. We all got out of the car and Clementine grabbed a pry bar and a canteen and put it in our bag. "Time to find food." Clem said. The first thing we saw was a sign, saying, "FRIENDLY? RING BELL (NO TRESPASSING)"
"What does it mean?" AJ asked.
"It means the people here shoot first." Clem told the boy.
"We're friendly, but i feel like if anyones here, they would've heard us pull up." I mentioned. We went ahead and entered. One of the first things we saw was a walker. "AJ, stay back." Clem said. I ran up to it and kicked it's leg, then Clem gave it a knife blade to the top of it's head. "Its dead. Still with us?" Clem asked.
"Yeah. No bites." AJ said.
"Next step, get in there." I said as i pointed at a building. I looked in a nearby barrel and there was water, but it looked kind of dirty. "Screw it. Hey, sis? Pass me the canteen." I called. Clem pulled it out of her bag and gave it to me. I opened the barrel and got some water in it. I took a drink. The moment it was in my mouth, i spit it out, coughing. "Nope. No way." I said. I went to Clem. "Find anything?" I asked.
"Just a deer skull." She said.
"Sweet. Could be used a hood ornament." I said. She walked around a building and saw a door. She pried it open. "Okay AJ." I said as he walked up us. "Lets do a little practice. What do we do when we enter a new place?" I asked.
"Find a way out." Clem said. "Now lets go inside."
We walked in. It looked like a ticket building. There was a walker couple taped to a chair. "They gave up." I said. I looked at a jar and grabbed it. "Poison. They wanted to leave this world together." I said. Clementine looked at the ticket booth. She went to it and checked inside. "We can't pry that door open. Looks like theres food in there, though." She said.
"AJ could fit through." I said.
"We should kill the monsters." AJ said.
"As people they asked to be left alone." Clem said. We knew we had to make a choice. We also knew our choices will shape who AJ will become. Clem pulled out her knife. "I'm gonna kill the walkers." She said. She stabbed them in the head and took the key. She unlocked the door with said key and we walked inside. "They had a good thing going on here." Clem mentioned. It looked like they really tried surviving. "Can we stay here?" AJ asked us.
"We'll see." Clem said.
"No one's here. No one's ever anywhere." AJ said.
"I'm here." Clem said.
"I know."
"Y/n's here."
"I know."
"Are you saying we're not someone?" I asked.
"Thats not what I mean." AJ said. He saw some bullets and grabbed them. Thankfully they fit the gun we had. AJ was a good shot. We taught him and he was a quick study. As for me and Clem, we kept each other on a regular training schedule. We both almost forgot at one point, but we got back to it. "Remember what we said, AJ? You know this." Clem said.
"Always aim-"
"Always aim for the head." AJ finished.
"Thats right." Clem said. "So lets keep looking."
Something that caught my eye in this room was a baby crib. This must have been why they called it quits. "Spoiled." Clem said as she dropped an expired can.
"Fuck." AJ said.
"Hey, watch the swears." Clem said, demonetizing the boy.
"But Y/n said shitbird before."
"AJ, do as we say, not as we do." I told him.
"Look." AJ pointed at a mattress.
"Looks like theres something down there." Clem said. Me and her pushed the mattress out of the way to reveal a trapdoor. "Huh. Must have wanted to hide something." Clem said. She opened it. Under the door was food. A lot of it. They must have stored it here. "Thats a lot of stuff." AJ said.
"Yeah. We could eat for weeks with this much." Clem said. We saw a grenade roll out. "Its rigged!" Clementine exclaimed. I kicked it closed and jumped to Clem and AJ. "Oh, god.." Clem coughed.
"Clem. AJ." I hugged my sister and the kid. Clem ran to check the window and saw walkers coming.
So uhh...theres a few fucked up and a few confusing things in The Walking Dead Games, but this one takes the cake for both of them. The walker couple killed themselves and planned to try to kill anyone who took their things. Merry Christmas, asshole.
I kicked the door open and we ran out. "Car! Go!" I yelled. We saw there were walkers in the way. Me and Clem pulled out our knives. We took the few walkers as AJ watched our backs. "Lets get to the car!" Clem said. We ran around the gate to it and jumped in. Before I jumped in, a walker tried getting in through Clem's door. I killed it and ran to the passenger side of the car. The walkers broke the windows as Clem worked on starting the car. "Buckle up!" Clem said. AJ buckled in in the back. She started driving and a walker broke in. I was gonna kill it, but Clem swerved off the road and the car rolled down a hill. Then the world went dark.

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