Episode 3: Abel

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Clementine just came back into the gate. I was sitting on a bench and looked at her and she gave a wave. I started walking and Clementine and I got to Mitch's corpse, and Willy was crying while gripping onto Mitch's hand. "When it all started, I was so little, and Mitch would look after me. Everyone said he was a dick sometimes, but he was always so nice to me." Willy told us.
"Willy, Mitch and I...we may have had a few disagreements, but I know that Mitch loved you as a little brother and he'd want you to move on." I said.
"Come on, buddy. Its time to bury him." Ruby said.
"Here. Let me help." Tenn went to Willy to help carry Mitch, but Willy pushed him down. "Get away from him! You're the reason he's dead!" Willy cried.
"Willy, this isn't Tenn's fault." Clem told him. Tenn ran off. Louis and Violet came back. "Did you guys get Abel tied up?" Clem asked.
"Yeah. He's in the basement. AJ wanted to stay down there." Louis said.
"We didn't get much out of him. Maybe you will get more from him then we did." Violet said. Louis held Clem's hand. The two gave each other a smile. Clem went to the cellar. "Their relationship?" Violet whispered, asking me about them.
"Yup. They're together." I told her.
"You dated anyone before?" Violet asked me.
"No. Never found anyone." I said, disregarding the fact i think I'm developing feelings for her. Violet tapped my shoulder. "Hey. You'll get there." Violet said. I smiled at her.
"Hey, pal." Louis said to me. "So, yesterday you were working on the bomb with Mitch. And i never got to apologize to you for blaming you and Clem."
"I appreciate it, Louis. Really." I said. "You had every right to hate us." I sighed. I then looked at the cellar door. "I'm going down there to help."

Clementine's POV...
I went to the basement to see AJ and Rosie. AJ was sitting in front of a passed out Abel. I was gonna wake him. "RISE AND SHINE, ASSHOLE!" I shouted. Abel jolted awake and looked at us. "Well, that ain't no way to wake an old man up from his afternoon nap. I was having a nice dream too. About a girl I used to know from before." He stated. "She also had me tied up, but I wasn't her prisoner if you get my meaning." He started laughing which changed to coughing. "You got any water?" AJ pulled out a canteen with water in it. I let Abel drink, hoping he would cooperate more. "You had your water, now tell us where my friends are." I said.
"Howdy, partners." Y/n said, stepping in front of Abel.
"Well well well, look who's here. The strongest of the weak. Hows it hanging?" Abel asked him.
"Definitely not broken, like you." He told Abel. "Where are they?" He asked.
"This is your first time interrogating someone, isn't it? You let me dictate the agenda. Makes me think you're weak." Abel said.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, okay? I just wanna know where Lilly took my people." I told him.
"It doesn't matter. Soon as she gets there, she's gonna turn around and come right back for me." Abel told us. "You better give me the five star treatment."
"You're right. I should." I said. I slammed his head into the table. Hard. "Jesus! The fuck is wrong with you!?" He groaned.
"Lilly abandoned you, damnit! Now tell us where they are, or I'll do it." Y/n threatened.
"Lilly will never 'em up. Only reason we came here was for more manpower." Abel said. I grabbed a chair and sat on it while Y/n leaned up against a wall. "You don't know what its like out there. Its a blood bath, one community against another, from Richmond to the coast. At the Delta, we're at war with some sick fucks that make me look like the Virgin Mary. We need people to fight it."
"AJ, go back upstairs." Y/n told AJ. "This could get messy." AJ nodded his head and went upstairs. "Now, its called kidnapping!" Y/n said to Abel.
"Give it whatever name you want. I call it surviving."
"And I call this, interrogation." Y/n punched Abel in the face. "We want to get our friends back. So stop wasting our goddamn time!" He shouted.
"Okay. Front pocket. The answer to all your questions." Abel said. I reached into Abel's pocket and pulled out a rolled up bible page. "Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat." I read. "What the fuck? Is this code?"
"No, its fucking Leviticus." He said. "Well come on. That thing ain't gonna light itself." Abel wanted to smoke the bible page. I lit the cigarette and gave it to Y/n for him to decide. He crumpled the back and dropped it. "Oops." He said. Then he stomped it in. "You son of a bitch!" He groaned. He started coughing like crazy and started coughing up blood. "Shit." He gasped. "Oh, fuck... this is... not good." He groaned.
"Abel, i don't think we're gonna be able to fix you up." Y/n told him.
"Everything got out of hand. Now look at me. I'm a fucking mess." He whimpered. "My... My whole life, everything I ever got, I got with my own two hands, and... and my will. For my body to turn on me... to take control..." Abel's voice started to break. "I'll tell you where to find Lilly. Just promise you won't let me turn." Abel pleaded.
"If you're honest I'll put you out of your misery." I told Abel.
"Okay... we have a boat. We're docked few miles west of here, at an old fishing pier. Your friends are on the boat." Abel quickly said. "Please, don't let me become one of those things." Y/n pulled out the gun. "Not that. I wanna...let me keep my face."
"Fine." I said. Y/n pulled his knife out. He stabbed Abel in the side of the head. "Now we can go find that boat." He said.

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