Episode 3: Date

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Clementine and AJ came back after a while and were heading back to the dorm. I was relaxing on the bench and I saw Louis with a candle and small bag in hand. I thought this was the perfect opportunity. "Hey! Hold it for one second, Louis." I said in a stern voice as I walked to him. I got right in front of him, towering over him a little. "Whats the problem, Y/n?" Louis asked.
"I saw you and Clem last night. I saw you two at the piano. I saw the kiss." I said, certainly building suspense in him. He started to sweat a little as I kept a straight face. Louis started stuttering. "Uh, I-I, uhh, we did kiss, yeah, uh, umm..." Louis stuttered. He didn't ever stop making eye contact. I then smiled and started laughing. I hugged Louis, certainly surprising him. He hugged me back. "I'm glad her first kiss was with you." I said while smiling. Louis looked at me and let out a nervous laugh. "Uhh, I was gonna go have a 'kind of' date with her." Louis said, showing me the candle and small snack bag.
"Go have fun, man." I said, lightly pushing his arm.

Clementine's POV...
Me and AJ were in our room. We were told Ruby was gonna throw a party to try to lift spirits at the moment. AJ was working on a decoration to hang in the music room. I grabbed the coffee maker for Ruby to make some tea. AJ showed me his drawing. "Hey, you're getting better at this. Soon, you'll be as good an artist as Tenn." I said. AJ looked down. "Something wrong?" I asked him.
"There are three kind of eyes. There are alive people eyes, we got those. Then theres monster eyes. Usually look like dirty water. Other times monster's eyes aren't even wet. And then there are alive people eyes right as you kill them. Like you did to Abel. His... his eyes looked like you blew a candle out." AJ said.
"You're a good person, AJ. Everything you're feeling is okay." I told him.
"I'm getting real smart. Because I'm always thinking all the time." He told me.
"Okay, what are you thinking about right now?" I asked him. He looked at me and said something that shocked me. "You or Y/n getting hit. And turning into a monster." He told me. "What happens then?"
"AJ, we've talked about this. A lot." I said.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore." He said.
"You brought it up." I told him. "AJ, I need to know you remember what we talked about. If I of Y/n get bit, you'll shoot--"
"No!" He interrupted me. "No, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna shoot you or Y/n!" He said.
"Alvin Junior, listen to me. You won't be alone if one of us gets bit. You know you're not supposed to talk like this. You're too strong and too brave." I said to him, placing my hands on my hips. AJ sighed. I got to his level. "You can't break promises, AJ."
"James said, we might still be around on the inside. If you or Y/n got bit and then you bit me, then maybe we'd still be together. You agreed with him that there might be more to walkers." AJ said.
"James might be right, but we can't prove it. And if we can't prove it, we're not gonna risk out lives over it." Clem said. AJ grabbed his gun. "Can I go patrol for a bit?"
"Sure, go ahead. Be careful." I said to him. Louis opened the door. "Hey, little man." He said with his smile.
"Hi Louis. I'm going on patrol." AJ said. We went down the hall. Louis closed the door. "So, paroling's a thing?" Louis asked. I nodded. He looked at me. "Y/n saw us last night." He said. I immediately blushed bright red and realized what he said. I was shocked Y/n was that sneaky. "Well, h-how... how'd he take it?" She asked.
"Considering I wasn't killed right then and there, and the fact he hugged me and laughed, i would assume he supports us." He said. Since it did sound like Y/n, i just smiled and rolled my eyes. Then Louis sat down and pulled out a candle and matches. "I figured since we might die tomorrow and never get to go on a real date... I thought we could..." He tried lightning a match, but it took him a few attempts. "...damnit..." He got it to light on swipe 4. "...have one now." He finally said.
"Lets do it." I said. I liked the idea of going on a date with Louis. "I never thought i'd get to go on a date... ever." I didn't even think I'd ever fall in love.
"Really? Ever? Have you met you? End of the world or not, some would've at least tried to sweep you off your feet." He said. I was flattered at his comment and sat across from him. "And uhh, a magazine in the headmaster's office said you can tell a lot about someone based on what they look for in a partner." He told me. "Brains, brawn, dashing good looks, sense of humor. That sort of thing."
"Sure, i guess."
"What uhh, would you say your thing is?" Louis asked me. I stared into his stunning chocolate brown eyes, almost zoning out. "I think i prefer... a good sense of humor." I said. "If only I knew someone with one of those."
"Well, i think that deserves a toast." He said. He pulled a pretzel out of the bag. "What do you say? To our last night alive!"
"To our last night alive!" I pulled a pretzel out of the bag and we "clicked" our pretzels together. "Now THATS the spirit!" Louis said. We ate our pretzels. We gave each other a kiss before Louis left. AJ ran in with a beach ball and tossed it to me, and I caught it. "Where did you get a beach ball?" I asked him.
"It was in some garbage behind one of the other dorms. I had to blow it up, which was gross. But hey, it works!" He said. I smiled at the fact we could have some fun with it. I tossed it back to him. He bounced it back with his hands and I bounced it a little far over him. He ran to me and hugged me. "I love you, Clem." AJ said. Thats all I needed. "I love you back, AJ." I said.

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