Episode 2: On Edge

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The next morning, everyone was on edge. Y/n was with Mitch talking about the bomb, AJ was doing watch with Tenn, and I went to talk to Louis. "For years I sat around making stupid jokes, playing stupid games, while my best friend was left with all the responsibility." Louis let an arrow go, missing a set up target. "All the tough calls." He let another go, hitting the tree. "All the sleepless nights." He let go, this time hitting the target, but at the bottom. "And eventually, a bullet in the head. And i didn't do a damn thing about it." Louis said. "Then when you tried to tell us what he was really like, and AJ shot him, I blamed you."
"I forgive you, Louis. I understand why you did it. I was never angry." I said. Louis held out the bow Marlon had used. "Here. You take it." Louis said. "Marlon used to protect the school with it before he...stopped. In that direction, please." Louis pointed at the target. I took the bow from him. I shot 5 arrows at the target and hit 3 of them dead center in the middle, and the other two in the ring around it. "Remind me to never stand in front of you with a red target painted on my back." Louis said.

Y/n's POV...
I was with Mitch and he was working on the bomb he planned. During the two weeks we had of prep time, Mitch improved the bomb more and more from looking like a tiny stick of dynamite to something made from a water bottle. "Testing the bomb?" I asked.
"Yeah. This won't explode. Gotta see if it'll light." Mitch handed me the ignitor. I made it spark and lit the fuse. It didn't blow up. "Fucking shit!" Mitch said.
"It'll be okay. Keep trying." I said.
"I need some time to think. Alone. Thanks, though. For helping." Mitch said. "And despite the fact you haven't said, apology accepted for slapping me."
"Yeah, sorry for that." I said. I went to find Clem. I saw Rosie was next to Marlon and Brody's graves. Me and Clem went to her. "Aww, poor Rosie." I said, petting the dog. Clem pet her too. "Its okay, girl. You'll be okay." I said to her again.
"Lets go see Violet." Clem said. We went to sit with her. "So?"
"They're ready." I told her. "At least I think they are."
"Why don't we go with MY idea?" Willy shouted at Aasim.
"Because its a terrible idea." Aasim said.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We were working on traps, and I had this idea to fill duffels bag with bricks and drop it on the raiders, while Willy had in mind this log trap that kills at most one raider." Aasim explained.
"Aasim's right. It would be easier and smarter to make a brick trap." Clementine said.
"Your plan was what a child would think of." Aasim said. This angered Willy and he punched him. Aasim sat down on a couch. Louis sat next to him. Me, Violet, and Clementine went to sit with him. "I think I know just how to break the tension." Louis then pulled out his cards.
"How do you still have those?" I asked.
"I just do. Nuff said. Lets play." AJ and Tenn came to play as well. "Tonight we're playing truth or dare." Louis said. "Lowest card has to answer, highest card gets to ask."  We all got a small deck of cards. We all pulled, Violet winning, Clementine and I both having the lowest card. "Uhh...this is awkward." I said.
"How do we do this?" Clem asked.
"You both answer Violet." Louis told us.
"Okay. Marry, fuck, kill."
"Vi!" Tenn immediately demonetized Violet.
"Fine. Marry, flip, kill. The guy from the woods, James, Ruby, and Aasim."
"I'm gonna keep this easy. I'm probably gonna marry James, flip Ruby, and kill Aasim. Sorry." I said.
"I think I'm gonna have to agree." Clem told them.
"Didn't you say he wears skin? Like, human skin?" Violet asked.
"Whatever works for Clem and Y/n." Louis said. "Lets go to round two!"
We drew again. This time, Clem had the highest card and Aasim had the lowest. "Definitely a dare." Clem said.
"Okay, do your worst." Aasim said.
"You have to ask Ruby for a kiss." Clem told Aasim.
"Oh boy, i can't wait for this." I said. Aasim got up and went to Ruby. We then watched Ruby slap him. We all started laughing as Aasim came by. "Damn!" Violet said.
"Oh i can't breathe!" Louis laughed. Aasim came back and sat down. We drew again, Clem having the lowest, Louis having the highest. "We've been pretty hard on poor Aasim here, teasing him about sweet Ruby. Seems only fair we mercilessly tease someone else about unrequited love." Louis said. "So, Clem. Anyone here you like-like?"
"I've made a lot of friends here, but I'm not sure I have a crush on anyone." Clem claimed.
"There you go, Louis, nothing to tease her about." Violet said.
"Theres still plenty to tease her about. Like the hat." Louis said.
"Louis, if I told you I lost this finger because I made fun of the hat, would you believe me?" I showed him my hand that was missing the ring finger.
"Without the game we played on day one of you being here, i would." He said.
We passed the cards around again. Aasim had the highest and Tenn had the lowest.
"Whats something you've never told anyone, because you were afraid they'd make fun of you?" Aasim asked.
"I, um... I think... I think walkers won't always be around." He started. "'Cause the world goes in cycles, right? Ice age, stone age, um, some other ages. So its like that. This age'll end, and  another one will start." Tenn said. We were all looking at him. "That's... really beautiful. I never thought of it that way." Clem said.
"Yeah. That was perfect." Violet added.
"I... I just don't know what its like. All of you do, but i don't. I don't remember a time before monsters." AJ said.
"The world wasn't too easy before the walkers either, buddy." I told AJ.
"Y/n's right. The world before this one was pretty shitty." Louis said. Aasim went with Willy to go make the traps, Tenn went off to do something elsewhere, and AJ went with Ruby to patrol. Me, Clementine, Louis, and Violet were left. "I'm headed to the bell tower. I want to check out our defenses on the back wall before bed." Violet said.
"Need any help?" Clem asked.
"Sure, if you want."
"You could help me instead. I am on piano duty. I gotta get some practice before one of you decides to chop it into firewood." Louis said. Louis and Violet went different ways. Me and Clem looked at each other. "I'm gonna go to the piano with Louis." Clem said.
"Okay." I said. Clem followed Louis. I figured I should go with Violet, so I followed her.

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