Episode 2: Attacked

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I sat down while Clem and AJ were doing patrol. They were looking out for Lilly and Abel. I was hoping they would attack tonight since we've been waiting for weeks. I'm tired of waiting. Eventually, Clementine and AJ shouted at us, "get ready!"
I jumped up and the two climbed down. We all went to the center of the courtyard. "Hey. So in case if this all goes to hell, I have mo idea what the D stands for on your hat." Louis said. "Don't tell me. I prefer it to remain a mystery. But I'm gonna pretend it stands for, Don't Die. So just, uhh, listen to your hat, okay?"
"Oh, magical hat, will I die tonight?" I asked.
"You will not die either, Y/n." Louis said, smiling.
"They've got at least four more people, all carrying guns. And carts, probably to carry people away." Clem said.
"And we'll keep them focused on us if they do get in. That ought to give Willy and Mitch time to set up the bomb." I said.
"The bomb works. Trust me." Mitch said. We nodded. "If all else fails..."
"Admin building. Right to the traps." Louis said.
"They're in for a rude fuckin' surprise." Aasim told us.
"Any final words?" Louis asked. I looked at Clem. "No matter what happens, look out for each o--"
An arrow flew straight past us and hit Omar's leg. "Everybody, HIDE!!!" I shouted. Everyone spread out. But AJ being AJ stayed with us. "AJ, go! We got Omar!" I said. He nodded and ran off. Clem was dragging Omar behind cover and I grabbed the bow, following behind them. "Clem, this way!" I said. She followed me to a table as I pushed it over. We saw the gate open. "Goddamnit." I cussed. Lilly, Abel, and four more of the raiders came through the gate. Clementine rose up and snatched the bow from me. "Lilly! Move, and I'll shoot!" Clem shouted.
"Wheres our new recruits?" Lilly asked, taking a few steps closer.
"Thats far enough!" I said. I reached in my back pocket and remembered I still had AJ's gun, but there were no bullets. I tried bluffing with them and aimed it at them. "Any of you move, then bang!" I said. "I got one bullet in every socket, and there's six of you." I said coldly.
"They're not yours!" Clem said.
"Search the yard." Lilly told the other raiders. Abel moved two steps forward before I pulled a Troy. "Hey HEY HEY HEY! You stop it right there!" I said, aiming it at Abel.
"Well, I'm waiting for a bullet." Abel said, looking at me.
"And risking get shot myself? Fuck that!" I said.
"Take me! You want soldiers? Fine. Take me with you." Clem said.
"You'd do that? You'd come with me if I let the others go?" Lilly asked.
"You want soldiers, right? Well, Merry Christmas, asshole! You got two right here!" I said.
"You've changed." She commented.
"We grew up." Clem said.
"I can see that. God, you are just like him. Lee would've been heartbroken, knowing he taught you both all the wrong things." Lilly said.
"Oh, we're gonna do that? Well, Lilly, I'm not seeing Larry anywhere. At least Lee survived longer, and Larry said he wouldn't." I said. "Lee would be dead proud of us." I added.
"Get out!" Clem said.
"If you wont help, I'll find someone who will." Lilly said. "Minnie wanted to come alone tonight. To tell you how well she's adjusted to our life. How happy she is." Lilly tried taunting our friends. "She said she had a girlfriend back here. Friends she missed. One guy, he could always make her laugh, no matter what." She started. Louis and Violet were smart enough to not fall for it. "And her little brother. She missed him the most." Tenn heard that and came out. "Shit." Clem cussed. "Shut up, Lilly! You've always been a liar, and a killer!" Clem shouted. "You're not taking anyone else from me." Clem said.
"Don't listen to Lilly, Tenn!" I said. One of the carriages then exploded, and it was a kickass explosion that sent the raiders to the ground. "Shit! Shit!" Lilly exclaimed. The rest of the kids (excluding Omar) started attacking by throwing rocks and Louis and Violet shooting arrows at them. Clem tried shooting Lilly, but missed. Tenn was vulnerable. Mitch tried to run for Tenn to save him, which ended in hi getting stabbed in the neck. "NO!!!" I shouted.
"Goddamnit!" Lilly said. She finished Mitch off. "Kill who you have to. Take the rest!" Lilly ordered. Clem shot one of them in the leg. "Lets GO!" I shouted. All the kids ran inside the admin building.

The kids ran up the stairs. I pulled my knife out and waited for one of the raiders to come under the set up duffel bag that Aasim and Willy set up. I cut the rope, making it drop and crush the guy's body. I followed Clem up the stairs, a raider following behind me. Clementine had my back and pushed a couch into the woman. "Fuckin' idiots. I told Lilly you wouldn't cooperate." Abel said. He threw a torch up and the floor lit up. We went into the office. "Lock the door!" Clem said. Abel tried kicking it open, but Clem ran to help me hold it closed. Ultimately, Abel kicked it open before we could lock it. Clem slashed at his hand with her knife. Abel grabbed Clem and tried to cave her head in, but Clem grabbed a small lighthouse off the desk and stabbed Abel in the eye with it. AJ stuck Abel in the foot with a firepoker. Clem charged at him, kicking him in the groin, and sending him off the balcony.

I ran down to the yard and saw Lilly had her gun at Clementine's head. Lilly had hesitated for some reason. That's when Violet tackled Lilly. Clem went to grab the gun, but Abel grabbed Clem's leg. "Not this time, you son of a bitch!" I shouted. I ran towards him and kicked him in the nose. Rosie came in for an assist and bit Abel's arm, drawing blood and certainly piercing it. Me and Clementine were both up. I grabbed one of the bows on the ground. We saw Violet being dragged away and Louis fighting another raider. "Save your man! I got Violet!" I told Clem. I shot the raider that was dragging Violet and Clem shot the one dragging Louis. "Fall back!" Lilly told her people. Her and her people ran out of the school. Walkers started creeping in as me and Clem helped Louis and Violet. "Clem! Louis!" I shouted. A walker was behind them. Clem shot it with an arrow. We started fending off walkers. One of them almost got Violet. I stabbed it in the neck and pulled it to the ground. I then started stabbing it in the face. "You okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just fine. Thanks." Violet said. Clementine came to me. I hugged my sister. "Aasim and Omar..." Louis said behind us. "They're gone. They took them."
"We're gonna get them back." Clementine said.
"And we got someone to tell us." I said. We all faced Abel.

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