Episode 4: The Cave

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We met with James next to a cave. "Oh Christ, are you okay?" I asked him. He sent a nasty glare at me and Clem. "We can go in there." He pointed in the cave.
"We don't know where it goes." Tenn stated.
"Well, there's a helluva ton of walkers in the other direction." I said. AJ ran straight in, Tenn following him. James stopped us. "I saw his eyes when he did it. I saw the bloodlust in them." He told us.
"What are you talking about?" Clem asked. James shook his head and discarded the question. "Nothing. Go." He said. We went in the cave and James followed after us. "Damnit. Can't see a thing in here." I said. I looked at the stream and saw a live walker floating down it. "Huh." I mumbled. I grabbed a stick that was thankfully not too wet. "Perfect! Flint." Clem said. "Y/n, have you found anything?" She asked.
"I found this stick." I said.
"What are you, a dog?" She asked.
"Nope, I'm a shitbird." I told her, calling back to what she called me in the car. She smiled at me and shook her head. I saw a dead walker and tore its shirt up. "This should do." I wrapped the stick with the shirt and Clem struck the flint to make a spark and light it up. "Great!" I said. I looked around and saw a tree. "We can use that." I said. Clementine helped me free the tree and get it used as a bridge. "Okay, c'mon!" I said. James punched a walker that got in. AJ, Tenn, and James got across. "Go." I told Clem. I snuck the knife from her. "Screw it." I said. I started stabbing the walkers in the head. Clem got across. I swiftly got across the tree as it went over the rocks. We went into the tunnel, hoping to find an answer. We found three tunnels. "Okay, which way out?" Clem said. James put his hand on her shoulder. "You brought this on yourself." He pushed Clem over and grabbed AJ's wrist. "Hey, dead face!" I shouted at James. I pulled the boy away from James. Clem jumped up. "Damn it, James! Whats the problem?!" I asked.
"Its not too late to save him." He said. He went to grab AJ, but he slashed James' hand with a rock. He took the rock from AJ. "I'm not letting you make him a murderer!" James pointed at us. "You let him empty an entire clip into that woman's head." James said.
"It was only half a clip." AJ said.
"Is this what you wanted?" James asked him.
"Easy for you to judge without the facts." Clementine said.
"We ain't letting you take him." I snarled. James clenched his fists. "I liked it." We heard from AJ. We all looked at him. "I liked killing Lilly. It made me feel strong." He said.
"Alvin Junior, what the fuck?! We didn't teach you like this!" I said.
"I'm teaching myself-"
"All the wrong lessons!" Clem interrupted him. "We never taught you to find joy in killing."
"AJ, you can't really believe that. Please, think about what you're saying!"
"James, if you're cousin-fucking ass doesn't stay out of this, I'm gonna gout your fucking eyes out!" I threatened him.
"None of you are listening!" AJ yelled. "Anyone that wants to hurt us should be dead. And I'm not sorry about it, and I'm not gonna feel bad about it." AJ crossed his arms and looked away. "Killing Lilly made us safe." AJ said.
"I can't listen to this. You think you can change him? Do it, then. Talk to him." James told us. We both got to AJ's level. "Listen, buddy..."
"I'm not gonna stop." AJ told us, interrupting me. "I'm not gonna let people that wanna hurt us just... walk around." AJ finished.
"I know this world is hard. For us, for you especially. And killing is almost unavoidable these days." Clem began. "Having to do it, having to let you do it... we've learned we have to live with it. But you can't EVER like it." Clem finished. AJ thought about it. "I don't know if i should have said, 'I liked it'... maybe I don't know the right words for what I felt." AJ said. "Aren't you two glad Lilly's dead?"
"Its more complicated than that, AJ." I said. "But that's not the point."
"We're talking about you." Clementine said. "You weren't happy firing that gun. You were angry. Angrier than i've ever seen." Clem said. We both stood up. "We need you to hear us, AJ. You can't talk like this about killing anyone." Clem said.
"Not even Lilly. Not even a bad person." I added. AJ looked down. "I've heard enough. Its obvious you can't teach him." James snapped. He grabbed AJ's arm. I grabbed AJ's other arm and yanked the boy away from James. He charged at me. I ducked and kicked him off his feet and onto the ground. "All you know is violence. Death. He could live a peaceful life. But... but its like you won't let him!" James shouted at us as he rose. He looked at AJ. "No one has to die anymore. Not humans. Not walkers."
"God damnit, James!" I said. Clem got in front of AJ. "This... 'philosophy' of yours-"
"This 'philosophy' is what has kept me human!" He yelled again.
"It takes more than words. You can't just talk people into being peaceful." Clem said.
"You think we don't want a life like that for AJ? For ourselves?" I asked him. Clem jumped back in. "God, i'd love to live in a world where we don't have to worry about killing or dying. I'd love to live a life with my brother where we don't have to constantly lunge at something or someone to save each other's lives. But that's just not how things fucking work. Not yet." Clem said. "And what you're doing now isn't going to change that." James looked at AJ, at me, then back to Clem. He let out a loud yelp and turned around. "I... maybe..." he said. I was not expecting that to get through to him. James has been a mix of kind and stubborn since we met him. "Clem? Y/n?" AJ said. We were all ears. "He doesn't get it. Not like we do. Not like I do. Let me help you. Trust me to tell which people are bad. That i won't ever use my gun because i like it. Only to keep our friends safe. Please. You can trust me to decide when its right." He asked us for forgiveness and to be trusted. Me and Clem turned around for a moment. "If he says he won't ever smile about killing, I trust him." I told Clem.
"You're right. He's earned our trust." Clem agreed with me. We turned to AJ. "Okay." Clem simply said. AJ was surprised by our answer. "You're growing up too fast, AJ. That scares us. You have seen things and done things no one your age should ever have to to. You've earned our trust. If you say you will never enjoy killing, we believe you." Clem told the boy. AJ smiled and nodded. "I won't. I promise." He said. We heard and felt a very light gust of wind coming from one of the tunnels. "Feel that?" AJ asked.
"Thats our way out." Clem said. We then heard the growls of multiple walkers. James sighed and pulled out his knives, two in each hand that were taped together. "Go." He said. "I'll make sure you won't be followed." James said. Tenn and AJ ran through the tunnel. "Thank you." Clem thanked him.
"Be safe." James told us.
"You too." I told him. We ran down the tunnel, leaving James to kill the walkers.
And according to the internet, James SURVIVED!!!

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