Episode 3: Boat

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We found the boat fairly easy. I was with Louis, AJ, and Willy. Y/n wanted to stay behind. His words were, "to make sure there are no raiders nearby" but i could tell it was something else. We found the boat and searched the place. All i found was a rabbit's foot- could be Omar's since Willy said he had one- and a horse shoe. Both are supposed to be lucky. We had seen some supply rafts. We thought maybe we could burn them or cut them loose to distract the raiders. With Louis, we looked at the boat and saw them pushing our friends around. "We're gonna need one hell of a distraction." I told my new boyfriend.
Boyfriend? It felt strange saying that since i never thought I'd ever find anyone. I was surprised I fell for him. Then we saw walkers going to the raiders and getting shot down quickly. "Now we just need, what, a dozen walkers? How hard could that be?" Louis asked me.
"Maybe not as hard as you think." I said. We also saw a small opening AJ could crawl through. I went to check on AJ. He said they still had horses, and I saw the torches. We could light the hay on fire and scare the horses away. I called everyone together. "We should get out of here before they see us." I said. We walked away from the boat and started talking. "We should burn their stuff." AJ suggested.
"Whatever we don't burn, we should take. Ruby'd love to have the horses, but I'd rather steal their supplies." Willy said.
"I say we burn the supplies. We'll take the horses." I told them. "Burning the supplies will lure the raiders away from the boat, and we can sneak across the pier."
"If anyone see's us, they'll shoot!" Willy added. He was right. But I had a plan. "Remember that guy I told you about? James?" I asked. "He saved me and AJ with a herd of walkers. Maybe we can convince him to do it again." I said.
"Well, hell yeah! Lets find out how much he charges for his...services." Louis said. We heard an axe chopping noise. I saw a raider in the distance. "Hide!" I whisper shouted. We all hid. I went to the raider to see if she knows anything. "Drop it!" I said. She dropped the axe. "Where do you keep the people you steal?" I asked.
"I don't know what you're--"
"I'm not fucking around. Answer the question." I demanded.
"The boiler deck. Second deck. They're all there."
"Clem! Stop!" I head Louis say. I let the raider go. "Hey, Minnie." Louis said. Minerva. She was one of the twins that they said got kidnapped. Louis hugged Minnie. "After the attack, I wasn't sure... I mean, I heard they burned half your school down." Minnie said. "Who survived?"
"Ruby, Tenn, and Violet are okay. Mitch didn't make it. And Brody, um, she died. Marlon killed her." Willy said. She looked at me. "You're Clementine. The girl who took over after Marlon died."
"Technically, Violet stepped up and then passed it to me. But yeah, I'm Clementine." I said.
"Minerva... Where's Sophie?" Louis asked.
"She... she died protecting the Delta. A hero." She shook her head.
"Minerva!" We heard Lilly shout. We hid. I was hoping she wouldn't say anything, and thankfully she didn't. "Our boat leaves in two days. Then it'll be a while before we come back. When we do, don't fight." Minerva told me.
"You're welcome to come back." I told her. She ran off. Me and AJ chose to split up with Louis and Willy to find James.

Y/n's POV...
While Clem, Louis, AJ, and Willy were scouting to find the boat, I was at the school. I told Clem
I wanted to make sure none of the raiders were nearby, but I really just wanted to throw Abel's body out. Violet helped me. "Thanks." I told her as we dropped his body.
"Don't mention it." She said. "So what do you think?" Violet asked as we started walking back to the school.
"I think I'm being hit by a gigantic wave of deja vu. Lilly's back, and me and Clem are in this conflict. Having to deal with an evil community." I told her. I kicked a walker's hand. There wasn't anything to signify it was dead, so I stomped its head in to make sure. "Good eye." Violet said. I looked at the walker and I thought of something. "You know that guy we told you about, James?" I asked. "What if we get him to help us?"
"What do you mean?" Violet asked.
"I'll explain once we get back." I said.

Me and Violet got back. "Ruby! Tenn! Come here!" I called. They heard me and they came to a table. "So guys, while Clementine and Louis are gone, i have a plan for if we find that boat." I said. "That guy we mentioned, James, he can lead a herd of walkers to the boat if we convince him to."
"Wait, what? That was your new idea? What if we get shot?" Violet asked.
"Assuming James can wrangle up about five hundred walkers, we have a good chance of not being hit. Plus we can hide behind the walkers." I told her. Soon, Louis and Willy returned. "We found the boat." Louis said.
"Oh, great. We were brainstorming a plan. We could get James to lead a herd of walkers there."
"Clem had that same plan." Louis told me.
"Wow. Can we read each others minds?" I asked, smiling. A smile appeared on Louis' face too. "So, where are they?"
"Getting James to help. Hopefully he can." Willy said.
"Great. So we got a pin on the boat and a plan. Now we just gotta wait for them to get back here." I said.

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