Episode 1: Unexpected

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Y/n's POV...
I was finally regaining consciousness. I saw nighttime was coming. Then it hit me. I looked around and realized I was alone. "CLEMENTINE!" I shouted. I sat straight up and dragged myself out the windshield. I realized I was bleeding since the palm of my hand was cut open. I tore off a page in the magazine and used it to put pressure on my hand. I knew Clem and AJ were alive. I started walking around the forest, hoping to find them.

I saw a few people running. I started running behind them. I got to a bunch of walkers and a school in the woods. And i saw Clementine was with them. A walker was about to attack Clementine, but i stopped it. "Hey, shitface!" I shouted. I stabbed my knife into the walker's shoulder and tossed it off Clementine. I went to the ground and grabbed the still alive walker by the neck and stabbed it 18 times in the face, splattering it's blood on my hands and a little on my face. "Oh my god..." I heard behind me. I turned around. "Y/N!" Clem exclaimed. She hugged me. I didn't hesitate for a second to hug back. She was okay. She was alive. I knew she was. "I'm okay, Clementine. I'm okay." I said. I looked forward and saw some of the other people were approaching us. I let go and got in front of Clem. "Back! Get the fuck back! Get away or I'll drop you all--"
"Y/n, stop!" Clem told me. She got in front of me in a defensive position. "They saved mine and AJ's life."
"What about me? They left ME to die!"
"They told us you were dead!" Clem shot back. My eyes widened. I looked at the kids, particularly the blonde girl, the blonde mullet boy, and the boy with dreads. "It's a true story. We thought you were dead." The mullet boy said. "We can talk inside." He said.
"Hmph. Yeah. Okay." I said. I reluctantly followed them. The boy with dreads ran up next to Clem and I, while we were already walking by the blonde girl. "Y'all got names?" I asked.
"Thats Violet, and I'm Louis." Louis, the boy with dreads told me. "The one with a mullet is Marlon. You'll meet the others soon." Louis said. "Now Violet, you've had better performances. B+."
"Fuck off." Violet said and flipped him off. He put his hand on his chest where his heart would be. "B- then. Now Clem here, amazing performance. A solid A. A+ even."
"You did well too, Louis." Clem said.
"You're too kind." He smiled. "Now, I saw Y/n went to a great fighting school, the way he took that walker down. So i'll give him an A."
"Damn right." I said. I looked at Violet next to me. "I'm sure you did great, Violet. I'll give you an confident A+." I told her. She glanced over at me and gave a single smile. "Thanks." She said. We got behind the gates of this school looking place. Since it was in the middle of the woods, I'm assuming it's an old boarding school. "Okay, y'all, food's almost--" Marlon walked up behind AJ, scaring him. AJ elbowed him in the gut. He then ran to the gate. "AJ..." I said. I looked at Marlon. "Its a reflex. Sorry about that." I told him.
"Yeah. Well, AJ can't be punching people and expect to eat at the same table." He groaned as he fixed himself. "Good God, kid's got a helluva wallop."
"We'll go speak to him." Clem said. The two of us approached him. "Whatcha looking at?" I asked.
"That bird. What's it going?" AJ asked.
"Same thing we're doing: surviving." Clem told him.
"But we don't eat monsters." AJ mentioned.
"If we could, we probably would."
"I can tell you that that walker's arm would be GONE if we could eat them." I said, earning disgusted looks from Clem and AJ. "Sorry. I'm just really hungry right now."
"I didn't mean to hit him." AJ said.
"We know buddy, but you still gotta apologize." I told him.
"Maybe work your way up." Clem said.
"What else has he done?" I asked.
"Bit a girl."
I looked at AJ. "Yeah, apologize to her first and maybe meet the others." I told him. AJ and Clem went to the girl to apologize and I went to a boy with side-sweep hair similar to mine, and a younger boy. "Oh, hi. You're the one who went to town in that walker." The older boy said.
"Yeah. I'm Y/n. I'm Clementine's brother." I told them.
"Well, I'm Mitch, and this is Willy." Mitch introduced himself.
"Hi there." Willy said.
"Hello. Nice to meet you guys." I said.
"Wanna see this neat trick?" Mitch asked. AJ and Clem came by. Mitch did a neat knife spin trick. "Pretty rad, huh? That's how you fuck up some monsters." Mitch said.
"Swear!" AJ said.
"Uhh...sorry?" Mitch said. Willy and Mitch laughed at AJ demonetizing them.
I went to find Louis. I went next to him. "Hey, Louis." I said.
"Oh hi. You again, Y/n." Louis said.
I looked where Louis was looking. He was looking at Marlon and another girl. "Who's that girl?" I asked.
"That would be Brody. Marlon's never said anything or denied it, but I think he's got a secret crush on her." He said. "I once tried pushing Marlon into her. My reward? A night in the rain." Louis continued. He didn't sound too upset by it, however. He actually seemed pretty damn pure. I started thinking maybe I could get along with these guys. "Hopefully we don't have a bad rep now since we left you in the woods." Louis said.
"Please. I've heard shit similar to that a lot. You're fine, Louis." I said. I noticed Clem and AJ going to Violet and a younger boy. I walked over to see what was up. "Whats that?" AJ asked.
"Our graveyard." Violet said.
"Who's buried here?" Clem asked.
"Nobody, really. We buried Tenn's sisters' belongings. Minnie and Sophie. Twins. They died about a year ago." Violet said.
"Christ. I'm sorry." I said. Tenn put a flower on the grave. "Paying respects." Violet said.
"Should we do that?" AJ asked.
"Yeah. Go ahead, AJ." I said. Violet gave AJ a flower and he placed it on the grave. "Thank you." Tenn said.

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