Episode 2: Strange to Stranger

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We got away from the walkers and followed the talking walker. We sat AJ down and the talking walker placed down a torch. He looked at him as he pulled AJ's shirt up to see the bullets were still in AJ. Clem pulled them out using the knife. "Put your hands there. Stop the bleeding." He said. I placed my hands on AJ's stomach. He wrapped a shirt around him. "Louis and Violet ran. They're safe." AJ said.
"They are." I said. I picked AJ up and carried him to the fire the talking walker set up. "Tell me I'm not going crazy." I said. He pulled his mask off. "Did you send the walkers?" Clem asked.
"I used to be part of a group. Called themselves Whisperers. They've learned to live in herds among the walkers. Move among them. Sometimes guide them." He explained.
"Where are they?" I asked.
"They attacked a community. I saw the carnage. Didn't want to be part of it." He explained. AJ groaned. "Are you okay?" Clem asked.
"Hungry." AJ said. The boy gave us an apple. "Thank you." Clem said. She cut a part off the apple and let AJ eat it. "You got a name?" Clem asked.
"Been a while."
"I've said it. James." He said.
"Why did you help us, James?" Clementine asked.
"The people who attacked you. What do you know about them?" James asked.
"We know they're kidnappers. They took two kids last year." I said.
"A common practice. They're at war, up north. Their entire community, against another." James told us. "They make people fight. Train them. Use them."
"So you saved us?" I asked. James nodded his head. "Thank you." I said. We heard a walker. Clem got up and armed herself with her knife. "Wait! Throw this. Distract it." James gave Clem a rock. She took it and threw it, sending the walker away. "So James, do you just hang around in the woods saving random people?" Clem asked.
"After i left my group, I wandered. First time alone ever. Saw a war everywhere. First against walkers, then against each other. Hoped it would be better here." He told us his story. "Where are you two from?"
"We've been traveling forever, but Georgia, originally." I told him.
"Long way from home."
"It feels like forever ago." Clem said. "Where are you from?"
"The city or the state?" I asked.
"The city. Dad ran a food truck. I helped." He said. It sounded nice that James had family. I felt AJ's forehead. "He's got a fever. He's gonna need medicine. We have to go back." I said.
"Then we'll go back. Convince them to help AJ. They'll take us back once they see him? They wouldn't turn AJ away." Clem said.
"Clem, i don't mean to sound like Kenny-"
"You already developed his accent. You sounded like him for four years." She joked. I smiled at it. "I'm looking at the worse case scenario. What if they don't?"
"After a few hours, we'll start heading back." James said. Clementine yawned. "We should get some sleep." I told Clem.
"I can't." Clem said.
"We'll keep watch together." James said.
"I'll try to as well." I said. I could tell Clem was exhausted. She needed sleep. "So you don't doze off." I told her.
"Thanks, Y/n." Clem said.

We were walking back to the school. I was carrying AJ. Clementine was exhausted. "Is he okay?" Clem asked me.
"Yeah. His heads so hot, though." I said. "I'll keep carrying him." We kept walking. We got right to the gates...
"Walker!" Willy shouted. He let an arrow go. We stepped forward. "Violet! Louis! They came back!" Willy ran off.
"Stay with us." I said to James. He looked at the arrow. "Not ready." James said. He went back into the woods. Clem started to groan and she started trembling. She eventually fell to her knees. I heard the gate open and saw Louis run out. "Shit. Is he..." He looked at AJ.
"He's alive. He was shot. He's got a fever." I told him.
"He needs your help." Clem chimed in.
"I'll take him." Louis took AJ from me. "You help Clem." I helped Clem up and wrapped her arm around me. We went inside the school's gate.

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