Prelude- The Flight From Pre-World War Three Planet Earth April 30, 2153- Part I

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List of Characters  in 2153

Lord Patrick William Howard,  later 1st Duke of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12

Lord John Devereux, later 1st Earl of Essex Territory on Star Base 12

Lord John Carey, later 1st Duke of Bedford Territory on Star  Base 12

Lord David Robert Stuart, later the first Duke of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12

Lord Edmund  Beaufort, later first Duke of Lancaster Territory on Star Base 12

Lord George Grey, later first Duke of Suffolk Territory on Star Base 12

Lord Alfred Spencer-Churchill, later first Duke of Marlborough Territory on Star Base 12

Lord Edward Hasting, 1st Baron Hastings on Star Base 12

Lord Ralph Percy, later 1st Duke of Northumberland Territory on Star Base 12

Lord Roger Seymour, later 1st Duke of Somerset Territory on Star Base 12

Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard, 1st Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12, only daughter of Lord Patrick William Howard, 

Lord Frederick William Howard

Lord John Phillip Carey

Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort 

Lady Margaret Penelope Howard nee Devereux 

Lady Elizabeth Hasting 

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