Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord William Philip Carey

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She was the only daughter of Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort and the only granddaughter of Lord Lord Patrick William Howard ans Lord Edmund Beaufort through their children, Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort.

Lord William Philip Carey is the eldest child and only son of Lord John Carey and he is the heir to his father Dukedom of Bedford Territory.

Lord Frederick William Howard little sister, Lady Elizabeth Ann and Lady Sophia Charlotte are ten years a part in age and it is through Lady Elizabeth Ann that Lord William Carey meets her niece, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard in 2200 when she is fifteen years old and he is seventeen year old.

Lady Sophia Charlotte is a tom-boy and she can beat her brothers in arm wrestling, archery, swimming, boxing, horse racing, and almost everything and when they run back to their father they tell him " Lady Sophia Charlotte is beating us father." 

Lord Frederick William Howard looks up at his two oldest sons, Lord Frederick William II and Lord Charles Andrew Howard and tells them " Stop your damn whining."  

Lady Jeanette Virginia looks up at her husband with a laugh "Looks like my daughter can beat your sorry lot of your sons that I gave you." 

"Oh. They are my sons now, Lady Jeanette Virginia." Lord Frederick William asks.

"You seemed to boast of them when they were born." Lady Jeanette Virginia states, "Carry them around and showing them off but you never did that for MY DAUGHTER, and my father is mad and so is your father."  

"You have made your point, Lady Jeanette Virginia." Lord Frederick William tells her.

"Lady Sophia Charlotte will make a brilliant love match and she will be the one to give you your first grandson as I don't see Lord Frederick William II or Lord Charles Andrew marrying." Lady Jeanette tells her husband.

 "I don't see our eldest son marrying." Lord Frederick William explains "I do see Lord Charles Andrew marrying." Lord Frederick William tells Lady Jeanette Virginia.

"Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill is  no fool just as I wasn't with you, Lord Frederick William Howard. She has a brother, Lord Albert Edward Spencer -Churchill and she will pass the title on her brother before she lets your damn social climbing family get their greedy hands on her father's territory." Lady Jeanette tells her husband.

"Lord Andrew Charles will make his own way on Star Base 12 . Thank Odin he takes after my father, Lord Edmund Beaufort."  Lady Jeanette tells Lord Frederick William.

"When is your damn family coming to stop their damn social climbing?" Lady Jeanette asks.

Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard courts Lord William Carey who becomes Duke of Bedford Territory in 2205 at the age of 20 years old and it is Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who presents Lord John Carey, Lord Edmund Beaufort and Lord Patrick William Howard with their first great--grandson, Lord George Frederick Carey and he is the first grandson of Lord Frederick William Howard, Lord Philip Carey and Lady Jeanette Virginia looks at her husband " I told you so, Lord Frederick William Howard that my daughter would give you your first grandson, Lord George Frederick Carey and I know that Lord John and Lord Philip Carey are happy as well as my father and your father would be if they were alive." 

Lady Sophia Charlotte carries in her son " Look at your first grandson, father." Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard tells her father.

Lord Philip and Lord Frederick William both admit he is the most handsome little fellow and he will continue to what Lord John Carey started in 2165.

Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord William Carey have a daughter, Lady Philadelphia Essex Carey in 2214 and the only settle on having two children.

But through Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and her son, Lord George Frederick Carey and his son, Lord Robert Frederick Carey and his son, Lord Richard William Carey  will come the first Duchess of Bedford Territory and her name is Lady Caroline Matilda Carey.

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey looks like her great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and it brings tears to her father's eye when he sees a picture of  his great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather together,

It is through Lady Caroline Matilda Carey who ushers the dawn of a new age to Bedford Territory when she declares " Bedford Territory will never fall back into the hands on the male line of The Carey family." 

When she makes the declaration in 2331, when she becomes the first Duchess of Bedford Territory stand with her eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, Duchess of Norfolk Territory,  Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory, Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northumberland Territory,  Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Duchess of Sussex Territory and her third cousin, Lady Autumn Bridget Howard, Duchess of Cambridge Territory and her 2nd cousin, Lady Frederica Howard, Duchess of York Territory.

All the women and their daughters all start to march around in victory  and Lady Caroline Matilda presents her 21 year old daughter, Lady Isabella Karissa Carey to her people and her granddaughter, Lady Matilda Essex Carey  to her people.

"I give you my good people the next two Duchesses of Bedford Territory." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her people.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane presents her daughter Lady Karissa Ann and her 11 year old granddaughter, Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard,  and so do the rest in victory.

Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard lives to see her great-grandson, Lord Richard William Carey be born in 2250 to her grandson, Lord Robert Frederick Carey and Lady Lettice, but she finally dies in 2250.

Lord George Frederick Carey outlives his son, Lord Robert Frederick Carey by three months and they both die in 2270 and Lord George Frederick Carey is succeeded by his grandson, Lord Richard William Carey at the age of 20 and he governs Bedford Territory from 2270-2331.

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