Beware of Wolves In Sheep Clothing

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Near Richmond, Indiana, several jets dropped bombs. A group of people took shelter in the East Fork Presbyterian Church. As the bombs dropped, the group and the church was save when the church was transported to Terralysium. The group started the New Eden colony and worshiped the Red Angel who was in actuality a time traveler, Dr. Gabrielle Burnham.

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. ( St. Matthew 7:15) 

While Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage heard from Captain Jonathan Archer that a small group of American Christians had been saved by hiding out in a Presbyterian Church near Richmond, Indiana and a mysterious red angel appeared and transported them to Terralysium and they started The New Eden Colony and worshiped the red angel who was actually a time traveler named Dr. Burnham. 

Lord Patrick William Howard raised his eye brow to Captain Archer and said, " Wait, Sir.  You are telling me that near Richmond, Indiana that a small group of only Christians were saved from being destroyed by the nuclear blast on May 1, 2153 in the United States?"  

Lord John Devereux asks " What about the other religions? Don't they count for being saved.?" 

Lord John Carey asks " What did this red angel didn't save any Islams, Hindus, Buddhists, Jewish,  or Pagans? 

Captain Jonathan Archer tells them " I am only relaying to you what I have heard from The United Federation of Planets gentlemen ." 

Lord Patrick William Howard tells Captain Archer " Do you know what St. Matthew teaches about false prophet and he states this " Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves."  

"I read in the Bible this as well " 2 Peter 2:21, : It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them."  Lord Edmund Beaufort states. 

Captain Jonathan Archer doesn't know what to say to his passengers because the news was relayed to him by The United Federation of  Planets and he just explains what he has been told to him by the United Federation of Planets

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Captain Jonathan Archer doesn't know what to say to his passengers because the news was relayed to him by The United Federation of  Planets and he just explains what he has been told to him by the United Federation of Planets.

"What about this new Eden?" Lord Patrick William asks.

"The United Federation of Planets told me that this red angel transported to people to Terralysium and they created the new colony of New Eden." Captain Archer explains.

"New Eden was an Earth colony founded on the planet Terralysium in 2053. It was located in a forested area near a waterfall, south of at least some of the other settlements on the planet. It was sometimes virtually deserted as its inhabitants were active in the surrounding fields.

The founders of the town were Humans called the "First Saved", who were seeking shelter in their church from nuclear destruction in 2153 during Earth's World War III. The entire building was transported to Terralysium by Gabrielle Burnham using the Red Angel suit, causing the rescued to believe they were saved by extraterrestrial angel.

Their descendants were a very religious people, that taught about the angels at their church, which combined multiple Earth religions. They falsely believed that the colonies of their world were the only survivors of Humanity, and that Earth had been destroyed in the 2150s.

The crew of the USS Discovery located this colony when they investigated a red burst. Since the colonists were a pre-warp culture, the Prime Directive wouldn't allow the members of the landing party to reveal their true origins to the settlers of the planet. Still, while they were there, the Discovery was able to stop radiation from the planetary rings from causing an extinction level event.

Despite the Prime Directive, Captain Christopher Pike decided to reveal his true origins to one New Edenite named Jacob, as it was important that he learned more about the "angels" and their connection to the red bursts." Captain Archer explains.

"What the Bible states that only people that follow Jesus Christ can be saved and they must be baptized first to be saved." Lord George Grey explains.

"All these people who were saved were all Christians of different denominations and they all get along despite their doctrinal differences on baptism, communion, marriage, divorce, music, scripture,  women's rights, abortion,  and  civil rights.?" Lord Alfred Spencer-Churchill asks.

"My study of religion shows that no Christian group has gotten along with each other from the beginning to Catholicism that started in 365 AD with the start of the reformation in 1530 with King Henry VIII and it spread throughout Europe and every nation had it's own church like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Scotland, France, Spain, Italy, and so forth." Lord Roger Seymour explains.

"The Church of Scotland is mainly Orthodox  Presbyterian, and it was started by John Knox and he got his teaching from John Calvin." Lord Stuart states.

"The Church of Denmark is founded on the teaching of John Calvin."  Lord Patrick explains.

"France and Spain follow what the Roman Catholic Church teaches." Lord Patrick William explains.

"The  Christian Catholics persecuted the Christian Protestants in both France, England, Portugal, and Spain and called them heretics." Lord Edmund Beaufort tells Captain Archer. 

"The Christian Protestants did it to the Christian Catholic and Quakers in the United States." Lord John Carey explains.

"Don't those Christians know what Queen Elizabeth the 1st taught about Christianity?" Lord Patrick William asks.

Captain Jonathan Archer doesn't know what to say to his passengers so he dismissed them not to become involved in their discussion

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Captain Jonathan Archer doesn't know what to say to his passengers so he dismissed them not to become involved in their discussion.

Lord Patrick William tells Captain Archer " I believe in what Gandhi stated about Christians, 

Lord Patrick William tells Captain Archer " I believe in what Gandhi stated about Christians, 

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