In The Gardens at Pembroke Castle

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Pembroke Territory was named for the birth place of King Henry VII of England who himself was the great-great-grandson of Lord John of Gaunt and Lady Katherine Sywnford and their eldest son, Lord John Beaufort and his son, Lord John Beaufort and his daughter, Lady Margaret married her first half cousin once removed, King Henry VI brother, Lord Edmund Tudor, who was her half first cousin twice removed, as Lord John Beaufort and King Henry V were half brothers and King Henry V and Lord John Beaufort, his son were first half cousins and their sons, King Henry VI and Lord John Beaufort were first half cousins twice removed and Lord Edmund and Lord Jasper Tudor were half brothers of King Henry VI shared the same mother, Queen Catherine of Valois and King Henry VI knew the importance of family.

Lord Patrick William Howard knew the importance of preserving his history and when he fled from Pre-World War Three Planet Earth on April 30, 2153, he brought with him pictures of Pembroke Castle, and other pictures so he could he recreate the country he lived, as did the Stuarts,  Bourbons, and Valois of France.

Lord Patrick William Howard had French, Irish and Scots blood in him, and he brought with him the descendants of The House of Capet, and there were branches Bourbon and Valois and with him he brought with him the direct descendants of The House of Habsburg from both Spain which started with the marriage of Lady Mary Burgundy and Emperor Maximilian who had two children, King Phillip I of Spain and Princess Margaret and from Scotland, the direct descendants of The House of Stuart but he didn't forget about two prominent gentry families, The House of Collins and The House of Craven, as he thought they were equally important, and The House of Devereux, The House of Carey, The House of Beaufort, and of course with him he brought the House of Howard as he had taught to honor his ancestor,  Lord John Howard who married Lady Joan of Cornwall who was the great-granddaughter of King John of England and through him he had a son, Lord Richard of Cornwall who had a son, Lord Richard who had a daughter name Lady Joan who married Sir John Howard.

At the time Lord Patrick William Howard received his vision in 2153, not many people in England believed about the outbreak of World War Three, but many families did with the help of Lord John Devereux, his brother in law, they went door to door and asked certain families to join them at Heathrow International Airport in London, on April 30, 2153 and the families met Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord John Devereux and their wives at Heathrow International Airport and they were met by Captain Archer who would escort them board the USS Excalibur.

Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage were told it would take them four and half years to reach their new destination and they made best of their journey to Star Base 12, but on the way to Star Base 12, certain families got off at Star Base 12 and they were The Stafford's, The Neville's along with some of The House of Stuart which consisted of two brothers, Lord Robert David and Lord Matthew Alexander Stuart. 

Later through the marriage of Lady Patricia Charlene Stuart and Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard and Lord Patrick William Howard, the house of Stafford would be reunited with The House of Howard and with the House of Neville. 

Lord Patrick William Howard was sad to see Lord Humphrey Stafford and Lord Edward Neville and Lord James Alexander Stuart but he understood and he bid them a good bye and watched them be transported down to Star Base 10.

Lord Humphrey Stafford, became the First Duke of Buckingham Territory, Lord Edward Neville became the  Earl of Westmoreland and Lord James Alexander Stuart became the first Earl of Moray on Star Base 10. 

The USS Excalibur traveled onto Star Base 12 and the rest were transported down on April 30, 2159 but none of the Dukedoms and Territories were established until 2165, and Lord Patrick William Howard claimed the Northern Territory on Star Base 12,  and he named it after his beloved Norfolk, England that was destroyed during World War Three on May 1, 2153.

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