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The next day we all got ready, and in the shopping centre shopping for some presents and decorations for the apparently Christmas party, which I had no idea about.

 "Ok so Ash, Rachel throws these big Christmas parties where my family comes and Dex's cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents, friends, almost everyone they know and we always do secret Satan, well for the adults we all buy presents and then steal from each other, it's really fun and sometimes a few of the family end up staying over because they end up too drunk to drive" Sienna explains while we walk and go around shops.

 "Yes, sweetheart its very fun I'm glad you can join us this year," Rachel says smiling.

 "Me too, it sounds very fun", I smile.

 "Yes, and Dex, Chris and Evelyn have a bunch of little cousins, so you can have fun with them as well," Sienna says.

We ended up shopping for almost the whole day, hours and hours of shopping. 

We had a few food breaks in between, but I have never shopped for so long. It turns out this is a big party.

 Evelyn and Dex went somewhere before we walked out of the shopping centre, I was confused, but I thought it was nothing.


We have been shopping, and I still don't know what to get Ashley, it's been on my mind for a while. 

I was looking at some stuff with Ash when Evelyn pulled me away and started walking to this little shop outside the shopping centre.

 "Ok so for the present you're going to get Ash" Evelyn starts to say, "get her this" she picks up an army dog tag, it wrote "till the end of the line" in a gold colour.

 It was beautiful, perfect, just what I needed. 

But how did Evelyn know about what I told her? 

Did Ashley tell her? 

I didn't ask any questions, instead, I bought it, thanking Evelyn for finding me it. 



We went home with multiple bags of Christmas decorations, presents, food and many more things for Rachel's Christmas party.

 I help her unpack the food and decorations, "hey sweetie do you mind helping me cook for the party" Rachel asks.

 "Yeah, of course; what are we making?" I question.

 "We are going to make some pulled pork and meatball subs and for dessert, we are going to make so little truffles and other treats, but you will oversee the snacks before dinner" Racheal explains.

 "Ok, so like chips and dips and carrot sticks?" I question

 Rachel laughs "yep, perfect".

I was washing carrots and getting a board to put the food on, and as I was cutting the carrots into little pieces, that's when Sienna and Evelyn came.

 "Mind if I help Rachel?" Sienna asks, "oh yes, please, that would be great", Rachel exclaims.

 "Mum, can I go to a friend's place?" Evelyn asks.

 "Yes, as long as you come back before 8:30."

 "Ok, thanks". 

We were all cooking dinner for the Christmas party until the boys came, Dex sat right opposite me, and Matt and Chris went to their "lovers" if that's what you would want to call them.

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