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Never have an Adam in your life. EVER.

Currently I am being forced to get ready in the most yuckiest dress ever. Purple.

Silk purple to be specific.

I am being taken to this stupid, stupid ball, where apparently all the mafia leaders and gangs come together.

I don’t know why they would do this though, I’m pretty sure most of them hate each other.

“Ashley, my love, are you almost done?” Adam asks. Ever since stupid Chris and idiotic Matt told me to kiss this… rat, we have been lovey dovey to each other. Well, one of us have been lovey dovey, guess who that might be.

“Almost done” I say as I hear him walk away from the door. I look in the mirror, breathe Ashley, Dex knows what he is doing, I hope.

I walk out of the door, “hey princess”, he moves a piece of hair from my face while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey” I put on a fake smile walking with him towards the living room. Jessica walks in, she stops looking at us cuddling together. CUDDLING. Get me out of this hell hole.

She has a sad expression on her face and tries to hide it while Adam asks for a glass of water.

“Here you go” her voice cracks, Adam takes a sip from the glass, “GEORGE” Adam screams for the big, scary, man. He rushes in, “you drive, come on, we have to go” Adam says. He throws the keys to him while we all walk out the door.

“Just stay with me, alright, because I know Dex will be there, he will try and get you” Adam explains. I nod as he wraps an arm around my waist.

After driving, we reach a hall, there was a velvet carpet on the floor, we walked towards the entrance until a man stopped us, Adam showed his ID which let us into the ball.

Adam sees someone and waves at them, I look in the direction he is looking in, I don’t really see anything, though I do wish it was de- omg it’s his parents. Fuck.

“Come princess” Adam takes me by the hand as we walk over to them. I met Adams parents during our second year of dating in year 12.



“Ashley sweetheart”

“Hello Elizabeth”

“You guys are still together?” His mom asks, “we took a break, but yes we are” Adam says proudly, such an idiot.

“So, when is the wedding?” his dad asks, “not yet father”. After a while of talking, we decided to get drinks, I have to be so proper for this, acting like I’m rich and shit.

“Champagne my love?”, “no thanks” I fake smile. I look around hoping I see Dex and hoping he has a plan to get me out of this prison.

“You seem distracted?” my focus moves towards Adam as he has a worried expression on his face, “no, just…” I paused trying to find the right word, “overwhelmed” I say giving him a reassuring smile.

“I know, there is a lot of people-“ he looks at me, studying me, before speaking again “Dex won’t get you, you’re safe with me, I promise” not what I was thinking, I don’t feel safe with him at all.

“How about something to eat?” he asks, I shake my head no, then a slow dance starts, he puts his hand out, I hesitantly take his hand as we start to dance. I keep looking around without Adam noticing.

I look over Adams shoulder and someone waves at me. Dex. My shoulders that were near my neck now relaxed, I give him a weak smile as I hear the song end, thank god.

I speed walk over to our table, “you got out of there quick” Adam says sitting next to me, “to many people” I sigh but then I tense up as he puts a hand on my thigh.

“Well, hello there Adam” I know that very annoying voice, Chris.

“And what do you want” he says coldly, “you, we need to talk” Chris says, “you’re not getting Ashley, she’s mine, only mine, she said it herself, didn’t you princess”.

I nod looking at Chris with a pissed face, “please, it’s not about Ashley, it’s about what you want” Adam looks at me then Chris, “I’ll be back babe” he gives me a kiss on the lips before leaving.

Once he was out of my sight, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, “yuck” I wipe my mouth with a napkin before I hear someone behind me, “get up”. of course, matt.

“I don’t like you” I say crossing my arms, “you’ll love me after this” he gave me a note and left. I opened it.

‘Bathroom, 10:30 – Dinosaur’

I smile, Dex the dinosaur.

I hide it quickly when Adams mum comes, “hey sweetheart”.


“I’ve noticed that you have been uncomfortable with Adam since you guys got here”.

“Oh no, I love him”.

God, I almost gaged saying that.

“Is he…doing something to you?”

Yes, yes he is.


“Are you sure”.

“positive”. “okay” she says leaving suspiciously. “you wasted my time!” I hear Adam say as he walks back to us, I look at Chris and he winks. That idiot made me kiss Adam.

“Idiot” Adam says to me before asking if I wanted food, I looked at the time, 10:28.

“I have to use the ladies’ room”, “alright don’t be too long” I nod walking through the door where the bathrooms were, I look for the door with the ladies’ room on it, and in front of that door was Dex.

“Hey amore” I go up to him and give him the biggest hug ever, “has he done anything to you?” he asks, “no, just a bunch of kisses” I make a disgusted face.

“I’m killing those two for making you kiss him”, “can we leave?” I ask, “we can, I miss you so much amore” he gives me the kiss I’ve been wanting for so long.

“I need some more of those kisses, I missed them so much” I say starting to get teary, “hey, its ok your safe, you’re not with him anymore” he puts a hand on my cheek using his thumb to wipe the small tears away.

He sees a tiny bruise on my wrist, “did he do that?” Dex asks, “yeah, he stopped ever since I, well kissed him” I respond. “I’m really killing him tonight” he looks very angry, “I’m sorry, about kissing him”.

“’It’s not your fault, but we should get out of here”, “is my dad here? Are the girls here?” I ask, “no it wasn’t safe for the girl to come, but your dad is in the car outside.”

“Ok, but what will Adam say, I won’t come back” I start to panic, Adam is not the guy to mess with, especially when he gets angry. “the whole building is surrounded, he can’t get you, or get out without being caught”.

“Ok let’s g-“ I say but I get cut off by Adam, “so this is where you have been?” he says, “no Adam it’s not- I don’t like him”, I try to defend myself until he points a gun towards me.

“Adam, don’t touch her” Dex says coming in front of me, “or what, she lied, move” Adam says angrily, “I’m going to kill you if you pull the trigger” Dex says, “move, she deserves it Dex”.

This is not what I was expecting.

“You pull that trigger then everyone will hear it, the whole place will go into lockdown, you can’t escape and eventually they will know it was you.” Dex says.

I stand there frozen, what do I do.

Before I could think any more I hear a gun shot, fuck.

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