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It was the night before Dex's birthday, and we had all went shopping for the big surprise party while the guys distracted him.

Me and the girls were all relaxing in the living room before we heard the guys walk in.

"You guys are pissing me off, honestly, all I wanted to do was spend a little bit of time with Ash" I hear Dex complain coming into the living room and laying on top of me.

"Well, we just wanted to do some work stuff" Chris tries to explain, "then when I finished you gave me fucking 100 more pages to work on" Dex says.

"Don't you like doing work?" Matt asks, "no I don't" Dex replies clinging on to me more.

"Hello to you too" I say as he looks up at me, "sorry amore" he says giving me a kiss.

In between preparing for the party we also came up with a way to surprise everyone with Sienna's pregnancy.

We decided now would be a good time since we didn't want to ruin Dex's birthday.

"Ok, me and Chris have something to tell you guys" Sienna starts, "you guys are getting married" Evelyn guesses. "No I wa-".

"You guys are moving back to your place?" Rachel guesses, "well soon yes but no' sienna says. "Then what" Matt asks.

"Well, if you didn't interrupt her so much she would have told you" Dex says, "do you know?" Evelyn says, "we both know" I say.

"Well go ahead" Rachel says, "Sienna is pregnant" Chris says.

"WHAT" Matt screams, "Awww a baby, congratulations" my mum says, "omg, I'm going to be a grandma" Rachel says shocked.

"Omg that's amazing sweetheart" Rachel comes and gives her a hug, "you guys had sex..." Evelyn says in disgust.

"When did you guys find out?" my dad asks, "a few days ago" sienna says. Everyone congratulates her then we talked more, mostly about the baby before we all decided it was getting late and we all went to bed.


It was the next morning, we all woke up really early to discuss the plans, "Ok so we go to the new house you bought, and we can set up the party there" Rachel says.

"That's perfect and we will invite everyone" Sienna says, "Ok so you guys take care of the party and me and Ash will distract him" Chris says, "cool ok" Matt says.

They head out with all the party stuff while Chris and I wait for him to wake up. "We should just wake him up" Chris says, "god you are so impatient let him sleep".

We sat in silence for a while before we were both fed up with how bored we were, "lets wake him up" we both say as we walk upstairs to our room.

"Dex you old man wake up!" Chris yells, I smack the back of his head, "fuck off" Dex says hiding under the blankets.

I go over to his side before lifting up the blankets and cuddling in with him. "Oh, well hello" He says wrapping his arms around me, "morning birthday boy" I give him a kiss.

"Hmm, I love your kisses" he says, "I'll give you extra today since it's your birthday" I say giving him one more.

"Ew" I hear Chris say sitting on the bed. "Ugh, what do you want" Dex says.

"Nothing-" Chris pauses, "happy birthday little bro" Chris says messing up his hair. "Thanks old man" Dex replies laughing, "says you, you are very old" Chris says.

"Ha ha very funny" Dex says, he turns his attention back to me, "so movie night?" Dex says, "well only because you don't want anything big" I say, "I don't" he looks at me.

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