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The boys had taken Dex to Rachel and Matts house to get ready for the special day, god I was nervous.

I was currently getting ready in my beautiful wedding dress that Rachel had got me, and the girls were getting their dresses on as well.

"Ash?" Sienna says coming into my room, "I'm in the closet, I just can't get this stupid zip to zip" I say frustrated, "hold on I'm coming" she says walking into our walk in closet.

"Maybe it's because your hands are so sweaty" she says zipping me up, "I'm nervous, very nervous" I state.

"You'll be okay" she backs away so she can see me in my dress, "oh my god, you look like a princess" she says smiling at me, "do I?" I smile, "oh definitely" she says as I twirl around.

"Holy shit, you look amazing" she says in awe, "I can't get over that dress" she says, "look how flowy it is" I smile twirling it around.

"Dex is going to flip out when he sees you in this" she says as we both walk out, "And you look amazing" I say to her.

"Do I? even after cooper?" she asks, "yes, you're like a Milf" I state, "Ash what the fuck is a milf?" she asks, "you know, mother I'd like to fuck" I explain, "oh my god" she face palms, "what, Chris probably thinks the same" I say.

"Alright enough of this milf shit, let's get your hair and makeup done" she says walking into one of the guest rooms where all the girls were.

"Oh, my baby, you look gorgeous" my mum says hugging, "thanks mum" I hug her back, "yeah hold on I'm checking" I hear Chris say, "Babe no boys allowed" Sienna says, "no I'm not- I just want to see Ash" he explains, "she isn't ready yet" Rachel says.

"It's fine Chris, as long as Dex isn't on face time or next to you, it's fine" I state, "yay" he says coming into the room, "oh by the way Dex is on the phone with me, but it isn't face time" he says.

His eyes widen, "woah" he says looking at me, "does it look good" I ask, "more than good, you look like a princess" he says, "omg can I see?" Dex asks eagerly over the phone, "I wish you could, wow, you look amazing Ash" he says.

"Okay you saw her now shoo" Sienna says pushing him out of the room, "oh and baby you look really hot" Chris yells from downstairs, she rolls her eyes coming back into the room.

"Okay what are we thinking, straight, wavy or curly hair?" Rachel asks, "uh in the middle of wavy and straight" I reply, "we'll do your make up" Sienna and my mum says, "and what can I do" Evelyn lays on the bed, "nothing" Rachel says, "thank god" she says getting on her phone.

"Kids these days" Rachel rolls her eyes while pugging in the hair straightener. Once they finished my hair and makeup, it was time to go down to the venue for the wedding.

"So um, do I see Dex before or after the wedding starts?" I ask nervously, "when you walk down the aisle" Rachel says, "breath Ash" Sienna holds my hands, "I'm just nervous" I say taking a deep breath as Rachel parks outside a big tent.

"The other side of that tent is your husband" my mum says excitedly, "yay" I sigh. We get out of the car carefully so that I don't ruin my dress.

When I walk into the tent I see my dad waiting to take me down the aisle, "oh my, you look beautiful" he says kissing my cheek, "thanks dad" I smile. The girls go first and while we wait my dad starts talking.

"Did you know dex asked for my blessing to propose to you" he says looking at me, "damn really" I ask, and he nods.

"I really thought I was going to have to walk you down the aisle and hand you off to Adam" he says as I laugh.

"You nervous?" he asks, "yup", "okay lets go" he says. We pass the curtain and start walking down the aisle, and right in front of me was a jaw dropping Dex. He stares at me in awe as my dad hands me to him.

"You look- wow" he whispers, "you look wow too" I giggle, "damn I could just kiss you right now" he says, "you'll just have to wait" I smile, "it's so hard not to" he whispers back.

We both did our vowels and Dex was waiting impatiently ready to kiss me, "do you Dex Rodríguez take Ashley west as your wife?", I see Bucky waddle over to us with the rings tied on his back, "I do" he says putting the ring on my finger.

"And do you Ashley west take Dex Rodríguez to be your husband?", "I do" I reply putting the ring on his finger, "you may now kiss the bride", "fucking finally" Dex says as he pulls me closer to him and kisses me as if it's our last kiss.

"EWWW GET A ROOM" we hear Chris shout at us, and everyone laughs, "oh shut up" Dex says carrying me bridal style down the aisle, "you're officially my wife, and you look very hot in that dress" he says opening the car door for me.

"Oh do I?" I ask as he comes into the car with me, "oh yeah" he smirks, "ugh why did I have to be stuck as the driver" Chris says getting into the driver seat.

"Why did I have to join you" matt complains sitting in the passenger seat, "by the way Ash you looked very nice" matt said, "thank you" I smile playing with the wedding ring on Dex's finger.

"So you ready to dance the rest of the day" Dex asks, "very ready" I reply.


We all had danced, ate and had cake, but I was exhausted. It was the last dance, just me and Dex. Dex signals me to come onto the dance floor, "you know what song im going to play?" he asks, "that song from our first date" I smile, he nods as the song starts playing.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands hold my waist, "I love you" he says, "I love you too Dex, I love you so much" I reply, "do you?" he smiles, "so much" I state kissing him.

"Please don't leave me, ever" he says as I lean my head against his chest, "never, you're stuck with me now" I say and he laughs, I look up at him and he looks down at me.

"Who would've thought you'd give me a chance" he says, "well you helped me, you were the first one to comfort me when Adam and Jessica happened" I state.

"You know I never knew you had a massive crush on me" I state, "how'd you find out?" he asks, "I overheard you and Jessica talking the day Adam had broken up with me, I thought it was a lie, turns out it was true".

"Well I've always wanted to call you mine, and now you are, Ashley Rodríguez" he kisses me, "I like that" I smirk, "what, you like it when I call you Ashley Rodríguez?" he asks, I hum.

"You love it don't you" he smiles, "yes, I love it". We danced until the song ended we got off, "wow you guys are just so cute" Sienna says.

"Thanks Sienna" Dex says. We waited until all our family and friends had left, "Okay, don't worry about this mess, we will clean it up when you guys are gone for your hunny moon" Rachel says as we all walk upstairs.

"No mum its fine when we come back we'll pack it up" Dex says going into our room as the girls follow, "Dex it's fine, we'll do it, so you don't have anything to worry about when you get back" Sienna says holding cooper, "especially since I have a feeling Ash is going to come back pregnant" she winks at me.

"Yo" Chris says coming into the room with Matt and my dad, "yo" Dex says hugging me from behind, "ok, so I have an idea" Matt says, "and that is?" I question, "movie night" he suggests.

"Sure" Dex says, "cool we'll be downstairs" the boys leave and it's just the girls sitting on our bed.

"Ash you looked so pretty today" Rachel smiles, "thank you, but this dress is really uncomfortable now" I state trying to unzip it. "do you need help Ms Rodríguez" Dex says coming behind me.

"Aww" the girls say as Dex unzips me, "omg I just realised I have 3 daughters now" Rachel says, "I have a son now" my mum says I go into our closet and change into Dex's clothes.

"So when is baby Rodríguez coming?" Sienna asks, "you'll never know" I joke, "ugh come on, you would want a baby someday" Rachel says, "yeah someday, but not today".

And for the rest of the night, we had watched movies and then went to bed. 

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