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We could hear Rachel talking to the guests, "So I heard Dex has a guest?" the lady was talking to Rachel.

I look at a Dex with an expression of: Shit, I'm so nervous, why did you drag me into this.

He pecks my forehead smiling at me and putting an arm around my shoulders.

That, in my opinion isn't very reassuring.

"Auntie Rachel" a little boy I'm assuming asks.

"yes honey" Rachel replies, "where is Dex?" he asks, Rachel points to the living room with a smile.

"IM THE FAVROUITE, I KNEW IT" Dex shouts at Chris, "shut up, you massive ego dick" Sienna slaps him "there are kids babe" "sorry, sorry" he rolls his eyes as I laugh.

"DEXXX" a little boy screams, Dex gets up "JACKSONN".

He picks the little kid up, "OMG" he says to the boy, "what?" he says cutely.

"Have you grown? because last time a saw you, you were a wee little baby". He says, I smile.

"Yeahhhh, I grew this much" he uses his arms to show how much he has grown. "Jackson did you forget about me?!" Chris says with his arms opened wide.

Dex and Jackson both roll their eyes "EW its Chris". "Fine then" Chris acts offended, Jackson, I hope, was guilty and ran all the way to Chris and sat in his lap as they started to talk.

Dex starts to talk, "That's Jackson, he is our cousin, and his brother should be with my auntie, his name is Theo, and he just turned 6 months" he smiled at me.

The thought of kids get me wondering what Dex and my kids will look like.

Not important. I bet they would look cute though.

"They are so cute" I say putting my head on his chest.

"Dex" an older man says, "Uncle Rob" he says standing up and doing that bro hug they always do.

"wanna introduce sweetheart" a lady comes in with a baby.

"right guys this is Ashley or uh Ash for short, she is a friend of mine" Dex introduces me as I get up to say hi to everyone.

They all sit down as Rachel greets the other guests. "She is gorgeous" I hear Dex's auntie whisper to Sienna, "I know right"

After everyone had arrived, the kids went to change and swim in the pool the grandparents were sitting outside watching the kids and chatting and the rest of the adults were in the living room including me.

Gosh they have such a big family.

"Alright boys lets go" Matt says as he gets up, apparently the boys have this tradition where they go out to work? This family confuses me so much.

"I wont be gone for to long amore" Dex says as he gives me a small peck on my lips and winks.


I just sit there, my face red, shocked, i- he- oh lord. He kissed me, I liked it, and I really wished that lasted longer. Everyone looked at me, Sienna, Evelyn and Rachel started screaming, laughing and shocked that he kissed me, the others were smirking at me, because Dex called me amore, and the boys, they just stood there.

"DID YOU JUST KISS HER" Chris screams.

Oh lord.

"I- you- he- I- wha- omg" I stutter as everyone laughs at me, I just slid down the couch flustered.

"I think we need to go now, we are going to be late" Dex says, he comes up to me, "you all good amore", I put a thumbs up. "Ash, you don't look alive right now", "Bathroom" is all I say before getting up and go to the bathroom in Dex's and my room.

"Hey does anyone know if Uncle Mark is meeting us there?" Chris says walking out the door, "yeah he is" Matt says before I hear them leave.

He just kissed me, oh my god. I walk downstairs after a few minutes.

"How was it?" Rachel asks smiling, "uh, how was what?" I tried to play dumb even though everyone just saw what happened, "Ash" Sienna says, "it was a peck, a small friendly kiss" I say trailing of while eating a chip.

"Sure, guys false alarm, it was a friendly kiss" Sienna says sarcastically, "shut up, moving on" I say.

"We are never going to forget this" Evelyn says. I sigh in defeat, "yeah I know."


The boys ended up coming home with this Uncle Mark of theirs, he looks very young in my opinion.

"Amore this is my uncle, Mark, he is my dads brother" Dex explains.

Make sense why he is so young.

"Hey nice to meet you" I say putting my hand out, he grabbed it and kissed the top of my hand lightly.

"Now I realise Dex has better taste in woman that Chris, but your still gorgeous Sienna don't worry" Mark says, "Shut up Mark no one likes you" Sienna replied .

"bruh stop trying to get Ash to be yours" Chris says hitting his back, "ok" he winked at me, and I just stared at Dex with wide eyes. He laughed and took me to the living room as we did more activities and hang out.

It was 10pm and Dex and me excused ourselves walking out the door and into his car, because he still wanted to take me on a date.

As we were driving, he put his hand on my thigh, "so amore, how you doing" he asks, "I'm very good, excited for this date" I reply grabbing his hand off my thigh and into mine.

"I bet you are darling, we got to go to MacDonalds though" he says.

"McDonald's?" I question as he rubs his thumb over the top of my hand

"Yes, you'll see" he winks at me as he drives into the drive thru getting our food.

What has this man got planned for me. 

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