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After a few long weeks of planning for me and Dex's wedding we finally finished, the honeymoon had been planned and all the things for the wedding have been ordered and paid for. The only things left to do was to pick a dress for me a suit for Dex and ask the girls to be my bridesmaids.

God this wedding is getting closer and closer, and it just doesn't feel real. I just cant believe it. The girls were with me, and we were right now in the wedding dress store, Dex and the guys had gone to pick out a suit.

"Ok let's try this one" the lady said giving me a white lacey dress it was a perfect The top part was like a corset sort of it fit me perfectly and the bottom was like a princess dress, it was gorgeous, like a princess dress I've dreamed of wearing as a kid.

"This one is $5000" the lady says, my eyes widen, "lets try other ones" Sienna says, the lady nods going to look for more, "isn't the budget 3000" my mum says, "yeah, I mean it was perfect, but way to expensive" I say.

We tried a few other dresses but that expensive one was just so perfect, "I'll let you guys make a decision" she says leaving, "so?" Evelyn asks, "I like all of them, but I loved the first one" I whine in annoyance, "I'll get it for you" Rachel says, "what?! No, I can't let you do that".

"It's ok, I'll I can get it for you, you seemed to love that one, like when you saw yourself in it your eyes just lit up, I have to get it for you" Rachel says, "no I'm not letting you do that, it's way too expensive Rachel" I state.

"Come on Ash let her get it for you" Sienna says, "no, because then I'll feel bad" I say, "consider it as a wedding gift from me" she says. "Nope I can't let you spend that much on me".

"Ok lets try and chose from these ones" Sienna says, I don't think I was paying attention to Rachel because I was to focused on choosing and dress, "Ok, we got the dress lets go" Rachel says.

"Wha-" Sienna starts confused, "what do you mean?" I question, "I bought the $5000 dress" she says. "What!" I silently yell. "No Rachel, you didn't have to" I state, "but I did, you deserve it, you make my son happy, and I appreciate that" she explains.

"Aww, but I'm still paying you back" I state as we all walk out of the store, "no, it's a wedding gift from me" she says, "I'll pay you back one day, I promise". We all get in the car and start driving back home.

"I can't believe you spent that much on a dress mum" Evelyn says in disbelief, "I can't believe it either" I say still shocked while driving. "When my prom comes up, you better spend that much on my dress" Evelyn says.

"Uh no, for your wedding yes. But for prom, no" Rachel says, "it was worth a try" she says sadly. "Hey, I wanted to ask Sienna and Ev something" I state, "and that is?" Evelyn asks, "do you guys want to be my bridesmaids?" I ask, "OMG YES" they both say happily, "great" I say smiling.

"Ash Dex is calling" Sienna says answering the phone.

"Hello, my beautiful fiancé" Dex says, "hey babe" I reply, "so you got a dress?" he asks, "yes, your mother is crazy though, she spent $5000 on my wedding dress".

"WHAT" he yells over the phone, "that was my exact reaction", "ok, it's not my fault as soon as Ash saw herself in that dress she looked so happy, I had to get it" Rachel says trying to defend herself.

"Mum you didn't have to, but as long as she's happy, that's all that matters" Dex says, "really Dex, your meant to be on my side, I mean it's a nice gesture, but I feel bad" I state.

"Don't feel bad Ashley, it's your wedding present from me" Rachel says, "I mean, it does look good on you Ash" my mum says. "You think I could see it?" Dex asks, "nope, not a chance" Sienna says, "ugh please" Dex whines, "nope" the girls says.

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