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It had been a few months later, Sienna and Chris had gotten married already and Cooper was now 8 months old. I never thought that I would ever be getting married to a guy I used to hate, but here we are planning my wedding with him, his mother and my mother.

"Ok so I'm thinking gold and white for the theme" Rachel says, "well yes but me and Ash were thinking-", "omg yes gold and white would look gorgeous, oh maybe vintage for the theme as well". My mum says.

"Guys we love that, but we were thinking maybe a-" they both talk over me as I try to explain what me and Dex had wanted, "yes Vintage, we should do a vintage themed wedding" Rachel agrees.

"Hunny" Matt says from our kitchen, "yeah?" she replies, "I think Dex and Ash have a plan already" Matt says, "yeah Lynda sweetie, it's their wedding, maybe let them plan it as well" my dad says trying to put it in the nicest way possible.

They both look at us, "oh sorry, it's just so exciting" Rachel says, "it's alright, but me and Ash were thinking, maybe the theme should be a beach themed wedding" Dex says, "omg that's a great idea, it's gonna be so beautiful" my mum says.

I look up at Dex and he kisses me. "We're here!" Chris, Sienna, Cooper and Evelyn came through the door while Matt, my dad and my little sister came into the room as well. "Hey guys" Sienna says sitting down and putting Cooper down as well.

"Planning the wedding I see" Chris says, "yeah" I say leaning back on Dex, "so what have we got so far" Sienna asks as Dex puts his arms around my waist, "well they want a beach wedding" my mum says, "ooo the beach" Evelyn says.

"Ok so let's start at what beach" Sienna starts, "yup, this is gonna be boring" Chris, Matt and my dad leave the room. "Actually, doing it at the house would be easier" I suggest looking at Dex for approval,

"I have an idea, so we have the wedding at the beach and the reception and dances at the house" Rachel suggests, "god weddings are stressful" Dex complains, "it'll be quick, we can get through the whole planning in about 2 weeks" Sienna says, "god someone is excited about this wedding" I say.

"Yeah, I mean my little brother in law is getting married" she says, "little?" Dex questions, "I mean I've known you since you were in high school" she says, "alright then" Dex says, "oh stop being dramatic, your little to me" Sienna says.

"Do I look little Sienna?" he asks, "well you're younger than me, so technically yes" she replies, "I'm a grown man!" Dex says, "ugh whatever" Sienna says.

We ended planning the whole day and everyone decided to stay over for the rest of the night. Me and Dex took Bucky out of our room, since Cooper was here we didn't want him jumping everywhere.

"Come on buddy" Dex says as he slowly went down the stairs with him, "alright Cooper is sound asleep" Chris and Sienna come downstairs as well. "Omg little Bucky, look how much you've grown" Evelyn says as he jumps happily on everyone.

"Aww he is getting bigger every time we see him" Rachel says giving him pats on the head, "yeah, he's like our little baby" Dex says picking him up and putting him on his lap.

"Ok, so are we ordering pizza?" I ask everyone, "yeah sounds good" Sienna says, "ok, let me get my phone" I say going over to the kitchen while Bucky follows. Once I ordered I come back to the living room to see everyone watching a horror movie.

I lay on Dex's chest and Bucky lays on his bed that was right next to us, "why scary movies guys" Evelyn whines cuddling up to Sienna, "it isn't that scary" Chris says, "oh shut up, I bet you cry like a baby when there's a jumps scare" Evelyn argues.

"Well at least I can watch the movie, you can't even look at it, pussy" Chris argues back. It had been a while before the movie goes quiet, but before the jump scare in the movie happened, the door knocked, and we all screamed.

"Oh shit, it's probably pizza" I say breathing heavily while going to get the door, Dex pauses the movie and I switch the lights back on, "here we go" I set the pizza on the coffee table and go to the kitchen to grab cups and plates and Sienna comes to help.

"So, what are you doing for your honey moon?" she asks, "uh, I'm not sure, maybe Maldives?", "ooo fancy, are you gonna come back pregnant?" she questions, "hmm I don't think so" I say.

"I bet you are, you aren't saying it, but your gonna come back pregnant for sure" she says, "we'll see, if I do then I'll let you do the baby shower" I say, and she squeals in excitement while bringing the cups to the living room.

We all ate and decided to go to bed, everyone went into their rooms and me and Dex went into ours, "this is crazy" Dex starts while I change into some pyjamas. "What's crazy?" I ask.

"The fact that we are getting married, it feels like we've just met" Dex says, "yeah, it feels unreal" I say coming into bed with him, he grabs my hand looking at my engagement ring and kisses it.

"God, I just never thought you would give me a chance, I mean you hated me" Dex says, "well I mean when we met again you sat in my room until I came out of the shower.

"Yeah no, that was weird" he laughs as I do as well, "hmm, this feels- it feels magical" I state intertwining my fingers with his, "I love you; I love you so much" he says kissing me, "I love you more" I say kissing him back.

"Also, Sienna thinks that when we come back from our honey moon, I'll be pregnant", "I mean it could be a possibility" he says kissing me, "hmm, no, maybe, I don't know anymore" I sigh as I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Go to sleep, we'll talk about babies later" he says kissing me goodnight before I fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning me and Dex were the only ones awake and ready for the day, we were both downstairs cooking breakfast together, but I was the one who was cooking breakfast, Dex just kept giving me kisses.

"You know" kiss, "your cooking is so-" kiss, "good" kiss, "and you look so hot cooking" another kiss, "I mean I could have you for breakfast" my eyes widen as I slap him on his chest playfully, "babe, really", "yeah Dex, really" Matt says coming down the stairs with Rachel.

"Oh morning" Dex says hiding his face in embarrassment, "that's- ew" Rachel says as I take plates out and set it on the dining table.

I walk back into the kitchen to see Dex rubbing the back of his neck still embarrassed, I put my arms around his neck kissing him, "maybe later" I whisper in his ear, "oh?" he smirks, "is this what you guys do every morning" Chris says coming downstairs disgusted, "not all the time" Dex says.

I look at Dex because I know he is lying, "ok most of the time" he says. Everyone had come downstairs, and we all started to eat breakfast. "So, more wedding planning today" Sienna says.

"Yup" Dex says. Once we all finished breakfast me and Dex decided to take Bucky for a walk. "We'll be back" I state closing the front door and running to catch up with Dex.

"So, what should we do for our honeymoon" Dex asks, "well I was thinking, the Maldives" I reply holding his hand, "that sounds nice", "yeah, should we bring Bucky?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe not, we would only be there for like a week", "yeah, it would be hard to bring him around as well" I state. We reach the dog park and let Bucky run around.

"I love you" Dex says bringing me closer to him, "I love you so much more Dex" I state kissing him, "and how can you love me more, that impossible sweetheart", "how so?" I question.

"Because I love you to the moon and back" he says kissing me softly. How adorable. 

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