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We were 1 hour into the drive and Bucky had started to get restless, "do you think he needs to use the bathroom?" I ask Dex, "probably, I'll pull over, I don't want him to pee in my car again or worse poop" Dex says.

I put on his harness and leash and take him outside so Bucky can take care of his business. "Ok, all done, I'll just put him at the back so he can sleep" I say.

I set up his bed and put Bucky on it and he slowly falls asleep, "alright let's keep going" Dex says as he starts to drive again. It had been about half an hour of driving, and I start to think about Adam.

"Dex" he hums, "do you think um maybe Adam will come back one day", "darling, why are you thinking about him" I shrug.

"Well, the police have him in prison for 5 years, so he wouldn't stay there for a long time, but I promise he wouldn't come near us, ever" He reassures me, "yeah but um if he does-", "he won't, amore I promise I will protect you and one day our little family away from him".

"Do you think he will get married to Jess?" I ask, "I think that they are very evil people and yeah they probably will, maybe even have kids together" Dex says.

"I think their kids will be evil little shits" I say, and he laughs, "they will, they definitely will be".

"Babe, look at the sunset" I say to Dex, we were 4 hours into our drive, and it was around 7:30pm.

He pulls into a little parking lot at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. "It's very pretty just like you, I'm going to fill up and get some snacks" Dex says, I nod as he gets out of the car.

My phone starts ringing, and it was Sienna facetiming me. "Hey Ash, happy birthday", "thanks Sienna, how's the baby" I ask, she shows me Cooper sleeping on top of Chris's chest, "omg that's adorable", "nope, definitely not adorable, he doesn't sleep, like this is the first time he has slept since coming home" Sienna says.

"Also, I heard you are on a romantic holiday" she teases, "yes, with a dog", "a dog? Like a puppy, omg show me" she says, and I show her Bucky sleeping at the back.

"His name is bucky", "stop he's adorable, omg!!" she squeals. "Right! He has been the cutest bundle of joy" I explain, "how's Dex going with him", "he's warming up to the little guy".

I hear a baby start crying, "I have to go, someone is hungry, but I'll call you later" Sienna says. "Alright bye", "bye" I hang up the phone and I see Dex come out of the store. "Here you go" Dex hands me some food and gets in the car.

"Thanks baby" I kiss him and pull back, "can I have more" he says, "more?" I question he nods, "alright" I giggle as he kisses me passionately, "let's go somewhere more private" Dex says driving out of the gas station and continuing on the road.

"It's getting dark" I comment looking at the stars in the sky, "yeah" he says pulling over, I get on his lap, he holds my waist pulling me closer, "I love your kisses" he says, "I bet you do" I say kissing him.

He starts to unbutton my shorts, I pull back, "you know, it's kind of weird having sex in front of a dog" I say, he sighs, "you just love this dog like your child don't you" I smile and nod happily.

He laughs, "Ok we are 3 hours away, I can wait 3 hours".

After about an hour I fell asleep, I could hear Dex chuckle and putting a blanket over me. I feel his hand caressing my thigh while I was still sleeping, and that's all I remember until falling into a deep sleep.

I feel someone carrying me, so I wake up, "Dex?" I mumble sleepily, "hey sweetheart, we're here" he says, "did you leave bucky in the car?" I mumble against his chest.

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