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We ended up driving to this weird place in the woods. Wait is he gonna kill me, he better fucking not.

"Um what are we doing here?" I question, "don't be scared amore, could you grab the bag ill grab the drinks" he said.

I did as he said, and started to walk with him into the woods, "where are we going?"

"I'll show you" I started to follow him until I saw this beautiful lake, with a little hut and a place to sit and eat.

"oh god its beautiful" I look at the place in awe as I follow Dex to the little hut.

After a little while of getting settled he started to talk, "I bought this place after high school, just for me to get away from everything" he said as he look into my eyes, he continued, "you're the first person I've brought here" he finishes holding my hands from across the table.

"That's cute" I state looking into his eyes, have I mentioned that his eyes are the most gorgeous thing ever.

At this point we were just staring into each other's eyes, "I'm so in love with you Ash"

I lost focus, "what" I say in shock, he cleared his throat "um i- forget I said that"

I smiled, "I'm in love with you too Dex, baby steps though".

I wasn't ready for a relationship, especially after everything that had happened, I mean I love Dex so much, but that fear, the fear I'll get to attached then lose him, I can't let that happen again. The fear that he will end up just like Adam, even though I know he won't, I just don't want rush things, risk things. Get hurt again. Leave everything I love, for him.

"I know" he paused, "I know you don't want anything bad to happen, I know you're not ready Ash, but I just want you to know I'll wait, I'll wait for you, I want to be with you Ashley, so bad."

I was literally on the verge of tears from the speech he gave me.

"you'll wait for me, are you sure? I don't want you to hold up on any life plans you have for yourself; I don't want to ruin your future."

"Ashley, you are my future, you are the only person I see in my future, I want you Ashley, can you not see that"

I get up and walk over to him sitting beside him, I put my head on his shoulder while he held me, "I see that, I know you want to be with me Dex, but you know I'm not ready, I don't want to end up hurt again, and I know you won't do what Adam did, it's just a fear".

"I promise I'll wait" he holds out his pinkie, "are you really doing a pinkie promise with me" I slightly laugh, "of course I am, I take my promises seriously" he says "alright, alright".

I do the pinkie promise and I laugh.

After a while of talking, laughing, dancing, we decided to head home. That had been the best date I've ever had.

"When will you be ready" we were in the car half way home, "ready for what?" I ask, "to date again", "well I'm not sure, but when I am I'll tell you" I say grabbing his hand, "ok amore" he lifts our interwind hands up to his lips as he softly kisses the back of my hand.

We finally reached back to the house and open the door.

It was around 11pm at night, some of their family went home and some of them are going to be staying over because Rachel and Matts house is huge.

"Ayeee there's the love birds" Chris says.

"Shut up Chris" I say hitting the back of his head, "why my head man" he rubs it, "trying to bring down that massive ego" Evelyn laughs.

"Wow very funny" he replies sarcastically.

"Ok shut up now, how was the date Ash" Sienna asks

"yea it was good" I smile looking at Dex who was coming in with some drinks for us.

"Yeah, where did you go" Matt asks, "that's a secret" Dex replies.

"What did you do" Rachel asks, "not much, what's with the questions?" I answer.

"nothingggg" they all say in unison. Me and Dex look at each other in concern. "so nothing interesting happened on that date?" Evelyn asks, "no" Dex says.

"Are you sure" They all say, "what's going on, seriously" Dex says, "Oi, leave them alone" Mark comes and sits between me and Dex. "Leave them alone he says" Dex rolls his eyes, "We should head to bed now" Dex says, "Ok goodnight you two" Rachel says.

As we were half way up the stairs, Dex stops and runs back downstairs, "what the fuck is going on seriously".

"Ok so-" Sienna slaps a hand over Evelyn's mouth, "there was no need for that" she says, "ok fine" Chris says, "we saw what you had in your dresser Dex" I was confused, but I saw Dex's eyes widen.

"What are you guys talking about?" I question.

"please tell me you didn't see a lot, don't tell her" Dex started to panic

"Tell me what?" I am so confused right now.

"Nothing, forget about it" he replies.

"No what is-" I got cut of

my phone started to ring, I looked at it.

Unknown number.

"Who's that?' Dex asked.

I didn't answer him, instead I answered the phone, and put it on speaker.

"hello" I say.

the other side of the phone speaks.

"Ashley? Is that you?"


Cliff hanger and short chapter :)

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