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The ball was tonight, and our plan was to get Ashley back.

We had everyone from our team including Barnard’s team. “Ok let’s go over it again” my dad says, “so we get there earlier than everyone else, everyone except us is meant to surround the building, that way, if Adam tries to leave he can’t”.

“So, the four of us will be inside” Chris says, “yes and when you see Adam and Ashley alone, that’s your cue to distract Adam while I give the note to Ashley” my dad says.

“I’ll be near the bathroom” I say, “then when Ashley comes we make a run for it” Barnard says.

“Ok let’s head out” Chris says as we all grab our vans and trucks and driving out to the ball.

I start bouncing my leg up and down, I really hope our plan works.

“We’ll get her, don’t worry” Chris says patting me on my back, “I hope”.

When we reach, our men get out with guns surrounding the buildings, but also making it not as obvious that they are armed.

“It’s a in and out mission” my dad says while showing his ID to the security guard before walking in.

We were there for a while before some started walking in, people I’ve met before in meetings come up and talk to me, others I have never meet come in as well.

‘Is she even coming?’ Chris texts in our little group chat, it’s been awhile, and the place is packed with gangs.

‘They’re here’ my dad texts, I look around, then I see my gorgeous Ashley, in a hideous dress.

Who wears that?

They were walking over to an older couple, those are Adams parents, Ash showed a picture to me one day.

‘Who is that?’ Chris texts, ‘Adams parents’ I text back.

They were talking for a little bit before moving to a table, Adam was pouring out champagne while talking to Ashley.

I just wish I knew what they were talking about. A slow dance then started, and Ashley got pulled by Adam as she danced uncomfortably with him, she was looking around the place, probably looking for me.

Then she locked eye contact with me.

There we go.

I waved at her, and she gave me a small smile, then continued to dance. I hear the song end and everyone slowly making their way back to the tables.

I keep my eyes on her all night since she came, I see Adam put his hand on her THIGH, what the fuck, get your hand off her thigh you retarted fuck.

Then Chris comes over, “Ok here goes the plan” my dad says standing next to me.

They were talking and Ashley nods at something before looking a little pissed, then Adam gets up giving Ashley a kiss on her LIPS.


She starts to wipe her mouth in disgust, my dad chuckles a bit when I hit his arm, “right sorry”.

He walks over standing behind her chair, they were talking, and Ashley looked pissed crossing her arms then my dad gives her the small piece of paper and leaves.

She opens it and smiles. God I miss that smile, I miss seeing her every day, her lips, the way she laughs, how she sleeps so cutely while cuddling with me.

I miss it, I miss it so much.

That smile only lasted a few seconds when Adams mum comes over to her.

They were talking for quite a while before she leaves, then I hear Adam say, “you wasted my time!” me and my dad laugh as Chris winks at Ashley before walking towards us.

Adam asks Ashley for something before she looks at the big clock at the front of the place.

“off you go, get your girl” Chris says to me as I walk over to the bathrooms, she walks in and looks for the ladies’ room which I’m directly in front of.

“Hey amore” her attention moves from the floor to me as she runs up giving me the biggest bear hug ever, I missed her hugs as well.

“Has he done anything to you?” I ask, “no, just a bunch of kisses” she says disgusted. “I’m killing those two for making you kiss him” I say, she smiles before asking if we can leave.

“We can, I miss you so much amore” I give her a big kiss, “I need some more of those kisses, I missed them so much” she says getting a little teary.

I cup he cheek wiping her tears away with my thumb, “hey, it’s ok, your safe, you’re not with him anymore”.

I saw a bruise on her wrist, and I knew that fucking idiot did it to her, “did he do that?” I ask, “yeah, he stopped ever since I, well kissed him” she responds..

“I’m really killing him tonight” I say angrily, “I’m sorry, about kissing him” she says.

“It’s not your fault, but we should get out of here” I say, “is my dad here? Are the girls here?” she asks, “no it wasn’t safe for the girls to come, but your dad is in the car outside.” I say.

“Ok, but what will Adam say, I won’t come back” she says panicking, I hate when she isn’t happy or when she panics, “the whole building is surrounded, he cant get you, or get out without being caught” I try to reassure her.

I missed this girl so much, I am nothing without her, she is my everything, I would do anything for her.

“Ok let’s g-“ she gets cut of by fucking Adam, “so this is where you have been?” he asks.

Ashley panics trying to explain herself, “no Adam it’s not- I don’t like him”, but she stops talking, her face pale as he points a gun towards her.

Fuck, not good, not part of the plan. Shit.

“Adam don’t touch her” I say stepping in front of Ashley, so she doesn’t get hurt. “or what, she lied, move” he says.

“I’m going to kill you if you pull the trigger” I say angrily.

He won’t pull the trigger, he can’t, he can’t pull the trigger, he loves Ashley he wouldn’t do that would he?

“Move, she deserves it Dex”.

He won’t, he will be to afraid to do it, he can’t pull the trigger, he won’t do it. He is just saying that, he won’t try and kill her.

“You pull that trigger then everyone will hear it, the whole place will go into lockdown, you can’t escape and eventually they will know it was you.” I say, trying to change his mind about pulling that trigger.

Don’t do it, don’t do it. I can’t lose her don’t do it; his hands shake as he points it right behind me. Don’t do it, don’t do it.

Fuck, this isn’t good. He put his finger on the trigger, “I’m sorry” he whispers before pulling it. Fuck. He pulled it.

Then I heard a scream, a scream I was hoping not to hear tonight. Shit.

I turn around, Ashley. “CHRIS” I scream, but after that I don’t listen to anything that happens, I just focus on keeping Ashley awake.

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