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“Amore, hey, stay awake, come on, don’t give up on me I need you” I hear Dex’s muffled voice, I try focus in on him, but everything is blurry.

“Keep those eyes open for me gorgeous”.

Is he crying? I want to tell him ok, that I’m fine, but I can’t, I just can’t seem to talk. I can’t open my mouth, I’m in too much pain.

I see other people come over, other people talking, trying to help me.

But I focus on him, and only him. I manage to hold his hand, squeezing it, telling him it’s ok, without physically saying it to him.

He looks at me with worried eyes, he puts a hand to my face, “it’s going to be ok; I’ve got you darling” the pain in his voice makes me feel so bad, I hate when he isn’t happy, how stressed and upset he is. I hate it.

“Dex” I managed to say, “yeah darling” he sobs holding me, “I love you” I say before starting to see stars, “hey no, don’t do that, fuck. Amore, I love you too”.

That’s the last thing I heard, last thing I heard from him was I love you too before everything went black.

Is this the end? Am I really dying?


I hold her in my arms, telling her to stay awake, I can’t afford to lose her, I just can’t.

“Amore, hey, stay awake, come on, don’t give up I need you”.

Don’t give up, just stay awake, come on Ashley.

“Keep those eyes open for me gorgeous”. She looks at me like she wants to say something, but she can’t, a few tears escape her eyes.

I look up and see Chris on the phone with emergency services, my dad and Barnard are gone, probably taking care of Adam.

I look back at her gorgeous yet pale face. She squeezes my hand and I slightly smile, I put my hand on her cheek, “it’s going to be ok; I’ve got you darling”.

I’m killing Adam, I’m fucking killing him. That motherfucker better not escape.

“Dex” I hear her mumble, that voice. “Yeah darling” I cry.

I have never cried this much before, especially over a girl, the last time I remember crying was at a high school party, I was drunk.

“I love you” she says before her eye lids flicker close, no, no, no.

“Hey no, don’t do that, fuck. Amore, I love you too”. i manage to say before she passes out, fuck.

“CHRIS WHERE THE FUCK IS THE AMBULANCE, SHE’S PASSED OUT” I scream as he starts to talk, I check her pulse.

No pulse. She’s gone. Fuck.

“No pulse” I say to Chris, “they’re here, just keep the cloth on her” he says panicking, I hear sirens, they pick her up putting her on a bed before wheeling her away and giving her CPR.

Now the only thing I will focus on is Adam, where the fuck is he. There is so much commotion outside of the bathrooms, people scared, security guards talking and roaming the place.

I scan the room and find a door slightly opened on the stage; he is probably there.

Before I could go a guard stopped me, “sir” he says looking at me suspiciously, maybe cause of the blood on me, “I didn’t do it, if that’s what you’re asking”.

He raises an eyebrow at me, “then who was it, smartass” he says, “Adam” I say, “as in, Elizabeth’s son?” he asks, “no way”.

“Look, I didn’t do it, it was Adam, I’m Ashley’s boyfriend” I try to explain. “fine, you’re free to go, but it definitely is not Adam” I roll my eyes walking towards the stage.

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