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“Dadddd” Evelyn whines, “Evelyn Rodríguez, I swear to god if you say you’re bored” Matt says, “fine I am unentertained” she says crossing her arms.

“Just shut up and watch a movie on your phone or something” Dex says scrolling through his phone, “no one likes you Dex” Evelyn says, “everyone likes me, no one likes you” Dex argues.

“Yeah well-“ Dex cuts her off.

“Just shut up Chris is calling”.

“Fuck” Chris says over the phone, “and what the fuck is going on there” Dex asks.

“Adam is just in front of you guys, they are blocking the road and some of his men are behind us, turn around and go east” Chris says.

Adam? Why did he say Adam. Why the fuck did Chris say Adam.

“Fuck” Dex says, as Matt follows the directions of Chris, “ok, never mind guys, change of plan, we are going to the air strip” Dex says.

“Well, this is interesting” Evelyn say.

“Dex.” I say, “yeah amore what’s up”, “why in the fuck did Chris say Adam?” I ask, “why did Chris say Adams name Dex? Enlighten us” my dad says sarcastically.

“Uh he meant another Adam, like uh, um”, “like?” I ask, “I’ll tell you when we get in the plane” he says.

“Did you guys’ book tickets beforehand as a plan B or are we just going to hop onto a random ass plane” I say, “private plane babe” Dex says.

“I’m just guessing you guys are rich and own a lot of shit at this point”, “and please tell me we have a person who can actually fly a plane” I ask hopefully.

“Oh yeah, Dex call Michael for me” Matt asks, “yup”.

Once we reach the air strip we take out the bags as this Michael guy was already there putting them in the plane. We see the others parking and getting out of the cars.

“You guys good?” Chris asks as we get into the plane, “yeah, but we do have a few minutes before they realise we are going into a plane,” Matt says.

“Yeah make that a few seconds” my dad comments as we get into the plane and fly off.

I am honestly so fucking confused, but I don’t have time to think about anything that just happened, instead Dex pulls me into a bedroom that just happens to be in a plane.

He sits on the bed and pats the spot next to me, telling me to come and lay down.

“I’m sorry about this amore, it’s a lot right now” he says as I cuddle him.

“I am just so fucking confused, and everything is going so fast I don’t have time to think or process, I mean I’ll probably get killed if I just stop and think about everything. And how the fuck do you guys own so much shit, and there I go panicking again” I say.

Dex chuckles as he kisses the top of my head, “I love you” he says as I turn around facing him, “I love you too” I say giving him a passionate kiss.

“I definitely need more of those kisses” he laughs giving me another kiss.

I lay on my back looking at the ceiling, “can you believe we have only been dating for like a few days” I say, “I mean not even a few days probably two days” Dex says as he props himself up on his elbow looking at me.

“Can you please tell me about this Adam dude?” I ask changing the subject, “uh sure, so um your ex Adam is in the Mafia” he says, “and well we only found out about all of this when you came to the building,”

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