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We have been at the hospital for maybe a 1 hour and a half. Chris has been coming in and out of Sienna's hospital room giving us updates here and there.

He has also been shitting himself because of how nervous he is. He comes out of the room again, "sooo?" Rachel asks. "Uh I don't know; Sienna is still in pain, but it isn't time" he says.

"You can give us an update when she actually has the baby, go back inside, she needs you" Dex says shooing him back into the room, "ok, ok" he says in surrender while Dex closes the door.

"I'm hungry, you guys want anything?" Dex asks us. "Yeah, I'll come with you" I reply, "I'm ok, maybe just a water for us" Rachel states.

"We need to pick up Ev as well and call Sienna's mum and dad" Matt says, "oh yes we do" she says.

"Ok, we won't be long", me and Dex were walking to the food court then Dex held my hand, "I'm sorry" he says bringing my hand to his lips, kissing it softly.

"No, I should be the sorry one" I say to him, he raised an eyebrow at me, "you didn't do anything" I continued. "I was being stubborn, I need to respect your hatred for dogs, even though I don't understand it" I say.

"I think it's pretty understandable" he says. "It really isn't" I state, we reach the cafeteria, I grab a small bowl of pasta and Dex gets a cheese toasty. "how?" he asked, "unless your allergic to them, I don't get it".

"Well, I'm not allergic but-".

"Then I don't understand".

"Ok, are we really gonna fight over this, again" he emphasis the again in annoyance. "Ok, I'm sorry" I grab two bottles of water for Rachel and Matt, and we make our way to the counter to pay.

"but they are just so adorable and loving and loyal and-" I pause taking out my card to pay, "thank you" I say to the cashier as Dex jaw drops, "excuse me" he said to me as we started to make our way back, "what?" I state, "what do you mean what?? You shouldn't be paying for stuff, that's my job" he says, I laugh.

"Amore this isn't a funny matter" he states, "god your adorable", "well yes, that's true" he says.

We get back to where we were sitting I give Rachel and Matt their water bottle, they leave to pick Ev up so it's just me and Dex.

"Is this seriously how long birth takes" he groans hitting his head against the wall, "well yes, this is why I don't wanna a kid just yet".

"Hmm I see why" he says coming to sit next to me, "oh so now you finally get it" I roll my eyes, "ok but you don't get my hatred for dogs?" he says. "No Dex I don't, please enlighten me about your hatred for dogs that is complete no sense" I cross my arms annoyed.

"God, I don't like fighting with you Ash, please" he says, "fine ok" I say, he sits next to me leaning his head on my shoulder. "I love you; you know that right", "no I don't know that" I say sarcastically.

He chuckles "I'm serious, even though we have been having these stupid fights lately, I really do love you still", I sigh, "I love you too".

It had been about 2 hours now; Rachel and Matt came back with Sienna's parents and Evelyn.

Chris came out of the room, "he's here" he says smiling, "I gotta seeee" Evelyn gets up walking into the room as we follow behind her. "Hey Sienna" I say, "I swear I'm actually dead right now" she says laughing as I do to, "you look dead" Rachel says.

Chris was holding the baby and coming towards me and Dex. "You wanna hold?" he asks giving me the baby, "ok but like-" I didn't finish my sentence because the baby was already in my arms.

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