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Seokjin sat in front the mirror, gently patting the lip balm onto his soft pink lips. His pupils trailed all over his face and neck, with the small silver pendant stood out in contrast to the dark blue top that he had securely tucked into trousers of same color. As always, he picked up the scent concealer and sprayed it over his neck, tying a small sized cloth matching the color of his overall look over scent gland. Letting a deep breath out, he pick the comb, parting his bangs to one side so they did not fall over his eyes, his mother had insisted on doing that, she said it made him look prettier. He sat back, admiring the look which would then be completed with a long coat of the same color.

Oh how the omega hated attending his father's official parties. Now at the age of twenty-five, he had the tendency of catching unwanted attention and most of it was from alphas or parents looking for a prospective mate for their children. Every time , without fail, at least one person came to ask him if he was being courted by someone and offer court him. And he hated it, hated all those people who only wanted to be with him for his face and body. Don't get him wrong, Seokjin had tried, he really did but most of the times, he felt nothing and being praised for his beauty day and night did get tiring after a while.

The worst part was, even to his family, Seokjin was a trophy. He was the last born and the only omega. This was surprising considering that both of his parents were alphas. Both his elder sisters had also presented as alphas. They were beautiful, really beautiful but for some reason, could not match what he had been born with. Even as kids, his parents and siblings had pushed him to the front during gatherings, showing off his face to all people present. It would put him in an uncomfortable position, feeling shy and fidgety under those eyes and no matter how many times tried to hide his face, random people yanked his face, some of them pulling at his cheeks till they hurt.

"Hyung are you ready?", Jungkook asked from the door, a small smile on his face as he walked in having the shut the door quietly, hands behind his back. Carefully, he pulled out a single honey biscuit that was securely wrapped in cloth and offered it to Seokjin, grinning at the expression of pure joy that spread across the elder's face, who immediately picked it up and popped it into his mouth, moaning as the warm, rich taste filled his mouth. Having honey biscuit was a treat that Seokjin wasn't given often, since his diet was strictly controlled by his mother to maintain his figure. So Jungkook had taken upon himself to deliver treats and Seokjin's favorite food to him in secret, it wasn't often but the happiness on his favorite person's face was worth it.

Jungkook was Seokjin's maid, but the elder had allowed the young alpha to call him hyung when others weren't around. His one and only friend, the kind of brother he really wanted but the twist of fate had granted him two snobbish, make up obsessed zombie ducks in return. Jungkook was the son of a servant couple that had worked in Seokjin's family for a long time and his family had been kind enough to let them live even with a child. Unfortunately, a deadly disease had claimed the lives of both of Jungkook's parents and out of pity, the kid had been allowed to stay at their household. He lived with the other servants at the servant quarters, did odd jobs around the house, ran errands for other servants and was Seokjin's personal maid, his parents not minding it despite the younger being an alpha due to the kind of bond they shared and their age gap. Jungkook was the only alpha who was allowed near Seokjin without his permission, and as he grew, Jungkook felt a sense of responsibility and protection towards Seokjin who was the only one who treated him like family, dotting him like his own little brother.

"Aigo, look at my hyungie" he said cutely, poking the elder's cheeks who beamed, his mouth stuffed with the biscuit. "You look pretty today", he said fondly. "Make sure you have a good time" he said, giving the omega's shoulder a quick, comforting squeeze. He was probably the only one who knew how nerve wracking parties like these were for Seokjin. "And if any alpha comes too close, slap him" he said, making the other giggle. "I'm serious hyung. A lot of alphas out there cannot be trusted, so the moment you feel unsafe, hit them and scream" Jungkook said, eyes warm yet serious. "I will Kook", the elder answered, ruffling the alpha's hair with affection, offering a comforting smile. "Seokjin!", his mother yelled outside the door. Carefully wiping his mouth, Seokjin quickly stood up, Jungkook helping him into the coat before, hurrying out the door.

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