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"Something isn't right" thought Namjoon as he sat down for breakfast. His eyes shifted between his mother and father who unlike their usual early morning chirpy parents were oddly squirming in their seats. They had been behaving in this manner since last night which had led him to the conclusion that there must be something they wanted to tell him.

"How was your trip?" his father asked. Why were they dodging the topic? "It was fine. The expenses were higher than what I calculated but it's nothing to worry about. The profit it lower as compared to this month but it was expected since certain parts in South are facing drought. I think they will be compensated for in the monsoon season". Sungho, his father nodded, taking a sip from his tea. "Did you.. sleep well last night?". Again a dodge. "Uh yes, I did. The long trip had really tired me out and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed".

"How's my second son doing?" he then asked. His worries were put to rest as a smile spread on Namjoon's face. "They're well Appa. It was nice to see them after long time". "Are they getting along?". "Oh they are madly in love" he chuckled. The elder nodded, expecting it to happen. He was the one who had asked Yoongi's family to look into Jimin's proposal. He had somewhat known that they would make a good pair.

"Honey try this" his mother said, eagerly pushing the plate full of food towards him. A pleasant smile spread on his face when Namjoon saw that it was bulgogi. Just as eager, he immediately picked up his chopsticks and pushed the food into his mouth, humming at the wonderful taste. It had been so long that he had tasted his mother's cooking, memories of childhood coming back to him. "It's amazing" he hummed, taking another bite. Pleased, the woman kept serving him more food, doting him like she always had while her husband fondly gazed at their banter.

A few minutes later, he realized that he was the only one eating. Both of them just stared at him with a smile, food untouched. There was a glint in their eyes, something he hadn't seen before. "Tell me what it is" Namjoon said, sipping on his water. "Huh?" they both asked simultaneously. "You want to tell me something?" the alpha asked, eyebrowed raised. Why were they acting like this? "It's nothing much dear...". "If it is tell me quickly. I find it odd that you both just stare at me while I eat. All this is not only for me you know?" Namjoon said, gesturing towards the table.

"Fine we will talk after we eat" Sungho finally said, picking up his chopsticks and ignoring the glare that his wife sent him. That was odd. His father never stalled like this. What was really going on?

A soon as breakfast was done and Namjoon left for his study, the lady of the house pulled her husband aside. "Why did you not tell him then?" she hissed. "Poor boy was eating honey. It would have been mean to disturb him while having the first meal of his day. He just woke up in his bed after so long so I let him enjoy his peace". "You did not even tell him yesterday" she whined. "He had just come exhausted after a long tiring trip. Why should I drop such a sudden news when he can barely keep his eyes open and hungry out of his mind? My child needed to rest before" he answered.

"I know they are just excuses. We both know how he is going to react to it". "Did we do wrong in doing this without telling him? I think we should have let him find someone on his own or at least asked before fixing it". "He's already twenty-seven and I know he hasn't been looking out for anyone. If not now then when will he marry? I want to see my grandchildren before I die" she huffed. Her mate laughed at the statement, "My dear you are still young and have plenty of time to live. Of course you will see you grandchildren before you die!". "I don't only want to see them. I want to watch them grow, pamper them when their appa and dada scold them and make them sweets" she said with a smile. "Go now. Talk to him" Seo Hi pushed him towards the study. Sungho heaved a long sigh. Guess it cannot be avoided any longer.

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